Ethereum Guatemala

$1,426.45 crowdfunded from 23 people

$3,651.97 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
Ethereum Guatemala is a community promoting web3 growth through decentralized credit access, NFTs, DeFi, and bio-blockchain projects, hosting conferences and workshops to encourage ecosystem participation.

Ethereum Guatemala is a community formed by different members of the web3 ecosystem in the country that intends to collaborate and push its growth through different initiatives. Within Ethereum Guatemala there are projects such as: research with the Ethereum Foundation to bring access to credit in a decentralized way, digital art projects or NFTs that have been recognized globally, DeFi projects, research and use of blockchain in biology, among others. We believe that show-casing ENS will be an incredible example to demonstrate the power of the decentralized movements and the opportunities that exist for the ecosystem throughout Guatemala and countries like ours.


To date, we've hosted Guatemala's first (and now second) Ethereum conference: Eth Guate and Eth Ati. We had over 100 attendees join us for the event, ranging from builders, policy makers, entrepreneurs and investors in the ecosystem. The Universidad del Valle’s Centre for Innovation and Technology was an exceptional space to host our gathering, for which we are deeply grateful for their support in making this event possible!

You can see a recap of our event here:

We hosted 6 developer focused workshops ranging from an introduction to solidity through to the introduction to the recently-launched Filecoin Virtual Machine. We had over 10 different talks where we touched on the foundations of Ethereum, the interface of smart contracts with the legal systems, and the importance of public goods in the region - among a number of other diverse topics.


Our international attendees joined us from El Salvador, Honduras, Mexico, Argentina, Croatia, and Ecuador! 14% of the attendees who joined us for the event were women, and our core team is also all-male, for which a key focus for us moving forward is to both conduct more outreach to women-led technology and blockchain groups, as well as incorporate more female leadership in our core team!


In total, we allocated 10 scholarships for attendees of the event, with whom we provided stipends between Q1,000-Q200 ($128-$25) to cover the cost of transportation and lodging for the event. These scholarships were awarded for both people coming from the rural areas of Guatemala as well as for some international guests.

Any questions about Ethereum Guatemala, you can join the telegram ( and also find the relevant links in our linktree ( :-)

Ethereum Guatemala History

  • accepted into Web3 Community and Education 1 year ago. 23 people contributed $1,426 to the project, and $3,652 of match funding was provided.

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Developing web3 tech for nonprofits, with multilingual, zero-fee, crypto donation platforms, referral rewards, NFT collections, and plans for Quadratic Funding and DAO integration.
Fostering Ethereum adoption and education in Central America, offering workshops, technical support, financial inclusion initiatives, and engaging with regulators for a supportive blockchain ecosystem.
Ale RaMo has been engaging with Gitcoin, educating Latin American communities about quadratic funding, the Gitcoin passport, and facilitating project submissions, also serving as a curator for impactful initiatives.
Crypto enthusiast and doctor engaged in project management, fundraising, and promotion in Latin America for blockchain-centered public goods, education, and developer support.
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