RELEVANT NOTE: The wallet address wallet used for this application has been hacked and its seed phrase was compromised
The new address to this program is the following: 0x3B371351941eA68f3E861D9C1D908919a5B72877
A space to build together a decentralized future, without borders or limitations.
From our community we promote knowledge based on practice and also share these experiences through conferences, meetups, workshops or hackathons.
We organized ourselves as a community in December as a space for anyone who wants to build or learn about technology to find someone to support them.
We started with a 2-day conference and then we rolled out an entire educational initiative with which we have been able to carry out activities in Peru, Colombia, and Chile so far.
We promote collaboration and maintain an active position in virtual activities with various communities such as Ethereum Mexico, Tehcnolatinas, Chainlink in Spanish, Kiphu, Ethereum Bolivia, Definomics Labs, Ethereum Lima, 21Bulls and the Bitcoin Club, DotLabs, C3, but we have the doors open to continue building collaborative ties.
Among the technologies of various protocols managed by the community are:
+Chainlink +Base +Ethereum +Optimism +Arbitrum +Polkadot +Vara +Unlock Protocol
Feel free to contact us to continue generating spaces for learning and growth, see you!
Ethereum Latam Day History
accepted into Unlock Protocol x Arbitrum : Builders Retro Funding II 7 months ago.