$1,623.64 crowdfunded from 830 people

$1,301.48 received from matching pools

average score over 3 application evaluations
An online calculator for Ethereum stakers to determine their ETH and local currency earnings with upcoming features like Rocketpool support and input memory. provides stakers with a simple way of calculating the income they are making by validating on the Ethereum PoS network.

Staking has a nice little effect of creating income for the person staking. It is generally a good idea to keep track of the staking income on a regular basis for tax and/or other purposes. This tools makes that process as easy as possible delivering the data with just a single click. 🤯

The website contains a calculator that shows you daily data on:

  • how much your validators have earned in ETH
  • how much your validators have earned in your local currency

Upcoming features:

  • better support for Rocketpool validators/minipools
  • remember your inputs - so you don't have to enter them every time you visit the website
  • would you like to see anything else? Let me know!

Added recently:

  • batch input validators - input all your validators using a comma-separated string of values
  • improved MEV calculation and verification
  • support for withdrawals
    • You can now easily calculate your taxes based on when the consensus layer rewards appear in your wallet (=you have dominion over them from that point)
  • support for execution layer rewards (including MEV)
  • new location ( ETH1/ETH2 naming is being put to rest, more here
  • open-source - the whole project is now open-source and you can run everything locally if you desire to do so
  • some edge cases fixed - validators still in the activation queue, ...
  • stability improvements

If you're a technical person and you'd like to contribute, you're welcome to do so here!

Your contributions to this grant will go toward:

  • server costs
  • upcoming features development History

  • accepted into Web3 Open Source Software 10 months ago. 234 people contributed $321 to the project, and $504 of match funding was provided.
  • accepted into Web3 Open Source Software 1 year ago. 523 people contributed $757 to the project, and $379 of match funding was provided.
  • accepted into Web3 Open Source Software Round 1 year ago. 73 people contributed $545 to the project, and $418 of match funding was provided.

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