
$279.28 crowdfunded from 196 people

$1,698.05 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
Cryptocurrency EverGreenCoin seeks funding for website redesign and core wallet software update to enhance user experience and future-proof its Proof of Environment rewards program.


EverGreenCoin® (EGC) cryptocurrency is an X15 PoW/PoS hybrid launched in 2015 with no pre-mine, no instamine, no pre-sale, no ICO. The EverGreenCoin Foundation, Inc., is a 501(c)3 public charity operating under the laws of the state of Ohio, USA. Over the many years, the project, ecosystem, and platform have evolved and matured in many ways, as has the industry.

The Problem

Proof of Environment is a program of EverGreenCoin's that rewards environmentally-conscious tasks and observations monthly and is a product of the many years of the project's growth. To take EverGreenCoin and its, what has become, flagship program of Proof of Environment to the next level, our website needs redesigned to streamline participation into a more user-friendly experience Internet users expect, and our core wallet software codebase needs to be rebased to future-proof our network and keep with the progression of blockchain technology.

The Solution

The EverGreenCoin foundation and community are requesting grant monies to fairly compensate developers and to keep in-house developers working on advancing the platform full-time. We strongly believe our concept is already proven but does need revamping and modernizing. We are certain we can develop and bring our platform to the global stage and make EverGreenCoin a pillar of good in our industry's history and future.

EverGreenCoin® History

  • accepted into Climate Solutions Round 10 months ago. 196 people contributed $279 to the project, and $1,698 of match funding was provided.

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