average score over 1 application evaluations
A Web 3 project to educate and empower Brazilian favela residents on Blockchain through a 2-month in-person course, aiming to create a free, sustainable innovation hub.

Favelaverso is a Web 3 project aimed at educating and empowering residents of Brazilian favelas about Blockchain technology through both in-person and online classes.

Our training course in Blockchain, NFT, and Art AI was specifically developed for residents of favelas, with the goal of encouraging the adoption of this technology in the region. The course, BEM VINDO À WEB 3, will last for 2 months and will be offered in person.

Our long-term goal is to create an innovation hub at the residents' association with computers and internet access. This will allow us to continue offering courses more frequently and enable the residents of the Morro dos Prazeres favela to access this Innovation Hub for free. We aim to make the hub sustainable through our blockchain applications.


  • applied to the blockfix <> verix 4 months ago of which the application is still in a pending state

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