Fractal Flows

$56.36 crowdfunded from 8 people

$247.84 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
Create a platform utilizing AI and blockchain to verify scientific claims, where contributions are tokenized as NFTs, ensuring IP rights and incentivizing participants with a unique cryptocurrency.

Aggregate, curate and generate content and knowledge bits to support or refute scientific claims.

The ultimate objective is to emerge a scientific consensus out of this content and knowledge bits. We aim to achieve this via a human-AI machine system interaction.

A claim is first hosted on Fractal Flows and then contributors (validators) submit their content and knowledge bits.

All linked data and metadata are hashed on the Blockchain, as proof of contribution and proof of human work, which in a way are IP rights belonging or owned by the validators a claim.

Why the blockchain? An immutable and trustless ledger/database (blockchain) is necessary to meet two requirements: (1) proof of scientific IP right ownership and (2) rewards distribution via an economic system to all validators.

Tokenization allows us to slice & dice IP rights into many pieces. As a simple example: If one makes 1 jpeg as an NFT (equivalently a scientific knowledge bit), they can monetize the right to resell, right to create derivatives, right to collateralize, right to destroy, etc.

On Fractal Flows each claim (and it’s corresponding data/metadata) is minted as an NFT, whose owners are all the contributors/validators of said claim. A derivative of this NFT is minted periodically to reflect the state of scientific knowledge, consensus and new contributors/validators.

The Fractal Flows ecosystem is supported by the “Fractal Flows Decentralized Science Token”, or FFDST for short. Any holder of FFDST could participate in claims’ validation on Fractal Flows.

Our vision is for Fractal Flows to be the goto future platform for decentralized science.

Fractal Flows History

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