average score over 2 application evaluations
Strengthen FrontierDAO's community and operations in climate and fusion energy, collaborate with XPrize on FusionX, and develop outreach programs to educate about fusion energy and blockchain integration.

For GG21 we aim to strengthen the community building and operational capacity of FrontierDAO as it relates to our climate and fusion energy initiatives.

The primary focus for this quarter is reaching out to the wider Climate+Web3+QF community about our collaboration with the XPrize Foundation on designing FusionX - an in-the-works prize competition by the XPrize Foundation.

Executive Member Paige Donner's design proposal was accepted in a public call and competition for upcoming prize challenge designs - this one is for Climate and Energy Abundance. She was contacted by the Climate & Energy Program Director of XPrize to further develop this initiative in consultation.


As we go further along in this process, our aim is to get early involvement from the wider Climate/QF/Web3 ecosystem so as to foster a sense of involvement by all you Truly Amazing ReGens!! in the process and share a sense of stakeholdership as this develops.


For the past 2 quarters (Q1 2024 & Q2 2024) we have been 'like ducks'πŸ¦†πŸ¦† - Treading water with 100% effort below the surface while we seemingly skim nonchalantly through the larger blockchain ecosystems.

For the past 6 months, much intention and energy has been put into building out Frontier Registry which is an adjacent project to FrontierDAO and sits squarely in #openscience , #DePin, #IP and #Data. We even received some DARPA (defense advanced research projects agency) recognition for it back in April. Please refer to Paige's recent LinkedIn posts for detailed updates.


Within our specific verticals of climate and fusion energy, we have undertaken several distinct outreach programs to welcome people into our ecosystem and provide basic knowledge about:

βœ”οΈ- fusion energy βœ”οΈ- energy justice βœ”οΈ- web3 tooling βœ”οΈ- science on the blockchain

Conversely, as we outreach in traditional orgs, academia and research institutions, we have been doing significant public awareness and public information campaigning about Quadratic Funding and how this impacts and supports project funding.

β˜‘οΈQuadratic Funding β˜‘οΈ Vonation β˜‘οΈTransparency for DePIN funding

We are also successfully navigating the matrix between the worlds of traditional academia in the context of STEM and a more web3 approach aka DeSci.

Informed communities are vital. And we are aiming for our FrontierDAO community members as well as our larger QF ReGen + DePin Frens to be the most well-informed citizenry as possible about the promises fusion energy holds for the planet.


The aim here is to provide sustenance and ongoing sustainability for core public information outreach operations of the DAO for this particular initiative. In conjunction with collaborating with the XPrize Foundation on a challenge design, our current projects are XKind, the courses that are being developed to provide cohorts of learners the means by which to understand the basics of:

βœ…What is Fusion Energy and why is it an exponentially transformative technology?

βœ…How does science fit on the blockchain?

βœ…How does one easily access and use the blockchain even if you're not tech savvy (web3 wallets 101)?

βœ…How does QF work?

βœ…How can I get involved in an XPrize Challenge even if I just want to support and not necessarily be a contender?

And more basic and fundamentally good questions about climate/clean energy technologies.


Community members and all interested parties can join our Discord and also sign up on our FrontierDAO website to receive the newsletter we send out when we have awesome things to share. These offer updates on our activities, opportunities and relevant info regarding our verticals of Space, Fusion Energy and ClimateTech.


The Ikigai Game: A game for trust building and upskilling:

Since GG18 we were able to launch the Starter Pack of The Ikigai Game which is a component for XKind Learning cohorts. It is a versatile virtual or in-person game that is played with simple playing cards. Or it can be played as a digital game using wallets, avatars and digital representations of the playing cards (WIP). The Ikigai Game fits in as a supplemental learning module to XKind in that it supports people as they embark on a career, personal or lifestyle Pivot.

The purpose of The Ikigai Game is for community members to have a safe place in which to build trust with and among their tribes. We’ve also integrated upskilling in AI tooling into the game as a sort of β€˜gamified’ method for upskilling with hands-on AI tools (image creators, slide presentation tools, video tools, etc.).


The Ikigai Game

Ikigai is a Japanese word that means 'reason for being.' It connotes finding your sweet spot where your purpose, passion, mission and being rewarded for what you do all intersect and you are living your best life.


Getting in Early On An Exponentially Transformative Technology

Since we founded FrontierDAO in August 2021, we have seen a tremendous rise in interest in fusion energy. Private sector funding for this innovative technology is now at $6.2B up from just over $2B (total) as of summer 2022.

FrontierDAO has its own Fusion Energy WikiBot that can be accessed on the link below. It gives people the option to do a simple search on the different fusion energy research facilities around the globe and a stream of information is provided.

You can find the Wiki on our website in the menu button on the top bar of the site that says, What Is Fusion? Fusion Energy AI ChatBot


Support from this grant is intended for use in these above-mentioned exploratory scoping phases.

LINKS Sign up for XKind waitlist

INTRO: The Ikigai Game + Playing Cards

(From that link you are welcome to join the Facebook Page/Group) FrontierDAO

Submitted by: @paigedonner

FrontierDAO History

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