FunDeSci (NFT-Fundraising for DeSci)
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FunDeSci is a blockchain-based platform revolutionizing scientific funding by connecting researchers with investors through NFTs, enabling direct contributions, and creating a marketplace for research assets.

FunDeSci is a decentralized platform that revolutionizes scientific funding, connecting researchers, investors, and organizations to drive meaningful advancements in research. Through blockchain technology and NFTs, we provide a transparent, accessible, and efficient ecosystem, solving the challenges of traditional funding models.

Expanding the scope of its impact, FunDeSci introduces the Science Marketplace, a value chain within the platform. This marketplace serves as a dynamic space where participants can buy and sell NFTs representing the outputs of funded projects. Enabling participants to contribute not only through funding but also through the exchange of valuable research assets. Offering a unique space where the outputs of funded projects become tangible and tradable assets.

About FunDeSci

At FunDeSci, we believe that funding barriers should not hinder scientific progress. That's why we've created a unique space for the community to fund research projects directly, bypassing the traditional and often limiting avenues of scientific grants and institutional funding. Here, every idea gets a chance to shine, and every contribution makes a direct impact.

Our Goals

  1. Our platform aims to facilitate the progression of scientific research by providing a means for researchers to seek funding.

  2. Enhance the accessibility of funding for scientific research projects.

  3. Establish a network of investors and researchers with a shared interest in promoting scientific progress.

  4. Promote collaboration and innovation within the scientific community.

  5. Facilitate the convergence of academia and industry by establishing a platform for research initiatives to secure funding and potentially transition into commercial ventures.

  6. Facilitate an avenue for non-conventional investors to finance scientific research initiatives.

Key Notes: FunDeSci addresses the critical challenge of limited funding access for researchers by offering three key features that generate revenue and drive our sustainable growth:

1. NFT-Fundraising:

  • Researchers directly present their proposals as NFTs, attracting grants from individuals, institutions, and companies.

  • Bypassing traditional barriers such as Difficulty for Early-Career Researchers, Limited Calls per Year, and Long Evaluation Process; this model empowers researchers to secure funding for groundbreaking projects.

2. Science NFT Marketplace:

  • Enabling participants to contribute not only through funding but also through the exchange of valuable research assets. Offering a unique space where the outputs of funded projects become tangible and tradable assets. Providing researchers to tokenize their scientific assets including datasets, technical reports, patents, algorithms, etc.

  • This fosters continuous collaboration, innovation, and knowledge sharing within the scientific community.

3. Utility NFT (NFT-Subscriptions):

  • FunDeSci's innovative NFT subscription feature empowers researchers and content creators to offer exclusive subscription services as unique NFTs, fostering a direct and decentralized connection with their audience.

Why Support FunDeSci?

  • Addressing a Critical Need: We directly tackle the challenge of limited scientific funding, unlocking groundbreaking research with significant societal impact.

  • Innovative and Disruptive: Our NFT-based approach is revolutionizing the research funding landscape, offering unique value propositions for researchers, supporters, and the platform.

  • Strong Team: We have a passionate and experienced team with proven expertise in blockchain, finance, and scientific research.

  • Early-Mover Advantage: Being at the forefront of this emerging space positions us for significant growth and market leadership.

Our Value Propositions to:

Researchers: Direct access to funding without traditional barriers, transparency, and ownership rights via NFTs, potential to pre-sell the outputs of projects.

Investors/Funders: Diversified investment opportunities, ownership of NFTs representing contributions, exclusive access to research findings and early-stage results, and potential revenue from successful project outcomes.

Supporting Multiple Networks:

Currently, our platform is ready to launch and we support Arbitrum, Optimism, Binance Smart Chain, and Polygon.

The raised funds here will be used to grow our network and development.


Our social media channels:

Documentation and user guide:

FunDeSci (NFT-Fundraising for DeSci) History

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