$1,238.54 crowdfunded from 160 people

$7,941.71 received from matching pools

average score over 2 application evaluations
An Ethereum protocol for quadratic funding of public goods that's trust-minimized, collusion-resistant, and can operate pseudonymously without central servers. Funding supports development and future project rounds. is a permissionless quadratic funding protocol for Ethereum public goods.

It aims to be:

  • Easy to use for contributors and recipients
  • A public good that eats its own dogfood (is funded using its own mechanism)
  • Trust-minimized
  • Collusion-resistant
  • Sybil-resistant
  • Non-exclusive
  • Pseudonymous
  • “Serverless” (Client-side app that can run locally and is hosted on GitHub pages or IPFS)
  • A viable candidate for protocol level funding

Learn more at

Funds received in this round will be used to:

  1. fund the continued development of
  2. provide matching funds to future rounds History

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