Future Folklore

$128.58 crowdfunded from 5 people

$64.58 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
Future Folklore is a community supporting impossible dreams across fields, funding UAP research through NFT art auctions, promoting global science collaboration, and creating commercial IP for public and economic benefit.

Future Folklore is a community for impossible dreams. Whatever field you’re in, if you’re dreaming up something that seems impossible, we’re the community for you.

We also fund frontier science like unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) lab work, for which we have already raised thousands of dollars from NFT art auctions. As a movement for highly participatory, global science, DeSci inspires our approach to this project—targeting the greatest mystery of our time, but one that is woefully overlooked, underfunded, and stigmatized.

There are some encouraging trends, with new and serious UAP efforts already underway in Congress, the defense and intelligence establishments, NASA, Harvard, Stanford and elsewhere, and elevated media coverage. But this is an all hands effort for all people, for which the philosophy and technology of DeSci is well-suited.

We envision an entire ecosystem of research and technology development surrounding UAP materials research. Our efforts will benefit the public by adding to the stock of high-quality data, and generate commercial IP that can someday be spun out into new companies. We intend to mint our first funded lab report as a free, open-edition IP-NFT.

Future Folklore is excited to return to Gitcoin after participating in the first ever DeSci grants round.

Future Folklore History

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