MesoReefDAO - Regenerating Reef Conservation with DeSci Web3 tools

$441.03 crowdfunded from 153 people

$2,570.19 received from matching pools

average score over 5 application evaluations
Establish MesoReefDAO to scale coral reef conservation in the Mesoamerican Reef through partnerships, sustainable practices, and using decentralized science and blockchain for governance and funding.


Mesoamerican Reef DAO (MesoReefDAO) is a Regenerative Coral Reef Science initiative that focuses on the creation of a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) of DeSci (Decentralized Science) that seeks to scale coral reef conservation efforts in the Mesoamerican Reef (MAR). The Mesoamerican Reef is indeed the second-largest coral reef system in the world, spanning over 600 miles along the coasts of Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, and Honduras (Fig 1). It is an incredibly diverse and ecologically important ecosystem, providing habitat for thousands of species that support ecological goods and services.

alt text Fig 1. A map of the Mesoamerican Reef, © WWF Guatemala.

MesoReefDAO is working to establish partnerships with local communities, NGOs, and governments to support the implementation of sustainable fishing practices and the development of marine protected areas in the MAR. The DAO believes that engaging local communities in conservation efforts is crucial for the long-term sustainability of the region (Fig 2).

alt text Fig 2. MesoReefDAO General Framework.

Mission The MesoReef DAO aims to restore, protect, preserve, and conserve the Mesoamerican Reef ecosystem, working towards the United Nations Decade of Restoration framework, through the implementation of regenerative practices, big data analytics, and decentralized technologies. We will foster a decentralized and collaborative management system to ensure a sustainable future for the reef and the people that depend on it.


The MesoReef DAO envisions a future where the Mesoamerican Reef ecosystem is thriving, providing ecological and economic benefits to local communities and visitors. We will achieve this by restoring degraded coral habitats, improving water quality, reducing pollution, promoting sustainable fishing practices, and educating local communities and visitors.


The problem that MesoReefDAO is trying to solve/mitigate is the rapid deterioration of the Mesoamerican Reef System due to climate change, pollution, overfishing, biodiversity loss, and other human activities. The Mesoamerican Reef System is one of the most biodiverse and economically important coral reef systems in the world, providing critical habitat for numerous species of marine life and supporting the livelihoods of millions of people in the region.

However, the reef system is under significant threat in the Anthropocene. The current approaches to address these issues have not been sufficient, with a lack of coordination between stakeholders, insufficient funding, and limited implementation of scientific research and data-driven decision-making.

alt text Fig 3. Coral Outplanting areas in the Mexican Caribbean.


MesoReefDAO aimed to mitigate the problems facing the Mesoamerican Reef through decentralized science web3 tools, community engagement, and leveraging the power of blockchain technology. As a DAO, MesoReefDAO is governed by its members, who collectively make decisions and allocate resources based on a set of rules and protocols encoded on the blockchain.

The framework model is centered around creating a decentralized, transparent, and sustainable system of funding and decision-making for regenerate coral reef conservation efforts in the Mesoamerican Reef System (Fig 4).

alt text Fig 4. Six-layer framework (a-f) for “Web3” DeSci DAOs, adapted from Ding, et al., (2022).

Create regenerative feedbacks in coral reef conservation throughout the MAR (Fig 5).

alt text Fig 5. The Five Steps of the Conservation and DeSci Web3 tools to explore adapted from Brown et al. (2022).

In this proposal, we aim to further develop and expand the capabilities of MesoReefDAO through the Climate Solutions category of the Gitcoin Grants program.

Our proposed project includes:

  1. Explore and potentially build a user-friendly interface for MesoReefDAO: A well-designed interface will help to attract more users and make it easier for them to contribute to conservation efforts. The interface will also provide transparency into the decision-making process and the allocation of funds.

  2. Developing a regenerative decentralized science (DeSci) offset program for the MAR: Climate change is one of the biggest threats to the MAR. To mitigate its impact, we plan to create a community-based decentralized science offset program that will incentivize individuals and organizations to reduce their carbon footprint and contribute to MAR conservation efforts. The program will be transparently managed through MesoReefDAO.

  3. Partnering with coral reef scientists: We aim to collaborate with coral reef scientists to identify and prioritize conservation efforts based on scientific research. This will ensure that the funds raised through MesoReefDAO are used in the most effective and impactful way possible.

  4. Implementing smart contracts: Smart contracts will be used to automate the distribution of funds and ensure transparency and accountability. This will eliminate the need for intermediaries and reduce the risk of fraud and mismanagement.


2023: Q1-Q4


  • Assemble transdisciplinary experts and core members for MesoReefDAO.

  • Acquire an ENS domain and create a for funds.

  • Create a Discord server.

  • Promote the proposal on social media.


-Create the framework for the MesoReefDAO DeSci DAO: protocol, governance, incentives, organization, operations, and applications.

  • Apply for both traditional and decentralized grants.

  • Monitor project growth and promote it through social media, summits, forums, and academic conferences.


  • Establishing synergies and creating onboarding channels/strategies with DeSci Web3 Tools for existing coral reef conservation projects and initiatives within our traditional science, as well as inviting stakeholders to join MesoReefDAO and beyond

  • Create a co-management plan for the coordination and operation of MesoReefDAO:

  1. Establish a clear governance structure and decision-making process that involves all stakeholders.

  2. Develop a shared vision and goals for the project, ensuring that they are aligned with the values and objectives of all involved parties.

  3. Establish regular communication channels and meetings to facilitate ongoing collaboration and information sharing.

  4. Identify and assign roles and responsibilities to ensure that tasks are completed efficiently and effectively.

  5. Develop a plan for monitoring and evaluating the project's progress, and adjust the plan as needed to ensure that it remains on track.

If you would like to look at our mid-long term co-adaptive SMART goals, you should check them out here

Here you can see our updates of MesoReefDAO.

Who? (Members)

alt text Fig 5. MesoReefDAO Core Members and Advisors.


MSc. Rodrigo Alfredo Nuñez-Inzunza (Co-Founder) PhD. Jesús Ernesto Arias-González (Co-Founder)


PhD. Diana Morales-de-Anda (Fish Ecology) PhD. Julieta Maldonado-Sánchez (Invertebrate Ecology) PhD. Aarón Israel Muñiz-Castillo (Climate Change) PhD. Andrea Rivera-Sosa (Coral Bleaching) PhD. María Geovana Pech León (Coral Genomics) MSc. José Luis Cabrera Pérez (Coral Reef Fish Fisheries)

MesoReefDAO aims to collaborate with a wide range of stakeholders including scientists, the private sector, local communities, academia, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and government entities. Through these collaborations, MesoReefDAO aims to leverage the power of blockchain and DeSci DAOs to drive positive change to local communities and create synergies between sectors to address the challenges faced by coral reefs and the MAR. By bringing together diverse perspectives and expertise, MesoReefDAO seeks to foster innovation and develop effective solutions for coral reef conservation and restoration.

MesoReefDAO is committed to promoting Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) in all aspects of our project, including collaboration. We believe that diversity in perspectives, backgrounds, and experiences leads to more innovative solutions and better outcomes. We actively seek out partnerships and collaborations with individuals and organizations that share our values and commitment to DEI. We are open to working with a wide range of stakeholders, including those from underrepresented communities, to ensure that our project benefits and uplifts everyone. We recognize that DEI is an ongoing process and are committed to continuously learning, growing, and improving in this area.

Updates 2023

Contact us on social media of MesoReefDAO if you want to get involved.

MesoReefDAO - Regenerating Reef Conservation with DeSci Web3 tools History

  • accepted into Climate Round 1 year ago. 131 people contributed $215 to the project, and $1,850 of match funding was provided.
  • applied to the Web3 Social 1 year ago which was rejected
  • accepted into Metacrisis 1 year ago. 6 people contributed $48 to the project, and $33 of match funding was provided.
  • accepted into DeSci (Decentralized Science) 1 year ago. 6 people contributed $148 to the project, and $284 of match funding was provided.
  • accepted into Climate Solutions 1 year ago. 10 people contributed $30 to the project, and $402 of match funding was provided.

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