
$233.67 crowdfunded from 40 people

$1,295.46 received from matching pools

average score over 2 application evaluations
Developing a platform that enhances game development and player connectivity through data identity, analytics, standardized data storage, interoperability, and automated services, leveraging NFTs for digital identities and monetization.

Gameland is a beacon for game developers to connect players socially

Gameland Bring Some New Features

1.Data Identity and Analytics

The unique digital identity provides a new form of social interaction, ensuring user data privacy and security, and providing a clearer player profile.

2.Standardized data storage and interoperability

Provide reliable data storage, scalability, and security for game developers, and offer players a cross-platform gaming experience

3.Gameland is pluggable

Automated game data services for developers reduce manual workload, optimize game design and marketing, and increase user retention and revenue

Gameland utilizes da-player's NFT to enable the commercialization of player data and a proof of gamer key. Players can easily access their on-chain data to create a unique digital identity by combining their game ID with other data. This identity can be used to showcase their skills and achievements in the game, as well as to engage in transactions and collaborative activities within the game.

We are revolutionizing the current state of players by providing them with a more transparent and clear status. Through the reputation of their profile in Web3, they can establish their personal brand and change their monetization channels, rather than relying solely on traditional game promotion models.

Gameland History

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