
$461.42 crowdfunded from 29 people

$894.89 received from matching pools

average score over 2 application evaluations
Crypto fundraising platform enabling donations in 30+ cryptocurrencies to U.S. nonprofits, with 20% of fees funding a social impact DAO and donors receiving dynamic, soulbound NFTs.

Givepact is a crypto fundraising platform for nonprofits. The platform allows donors to contribute over 30+ cryptocurrencies to any U.S. 501(c)(3) organization. Additionally, 20% of the donation fees are used to fund a social impact DAO treasury. This treasury is allocated to urgent causes proposed and voted on by active Givepact donors and nonprofit staff. Donors are rewarded with a dynamic, soulbound NFT that evolves based on their giving history, providing an on-chain record of their philanthropy and DAO participation.

Givepact History

  • accepted into SheFi Octant Round 7 months ago.
  • accepted into SheFi GG19 Round 8 months ago. 29 people contributed $320 to the project, and $895 of match funding was provided.

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