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GlitchGang integrates web3 and traditional artists into Gitcoin and the ReFi communities to create impactful art addressing climate change and drive collective environmental action.

What is GlitchGang and what will it bring to the Gitcoin community and Climate solutions round ? GlitchGang is a foundation that wants to bring web3 artists and non-web3 artists to the Gitcoin community and ReFi community ( specifically to Climate Solution area ) Art serves as a potent instrument for increasing awareness, foresting emotional connection, and motivating efforts to tackle the climate change crisis.

The Main Challenge : The global impact of climate change has become increasingly apparent, leading to an urgent need for collective action. On the other hand, how to encourage artists to create climate change art. How GlitchGang is fixing these issues? ⁃ engage artists community and build engagement, collaboration, and action on climate challenges and solutions to mitigate impacts ⁃ Open calls and prize artists to create climate change artworks. Example:

  • support artists in Twitter and Twitter spaces and other social media ( try to give them the spotlight to be seen )
  • onboarding to the ReFi community and Gitcoin community with some mutual workshops and courses with other ReFi projects. Example:

⁃ collaborative collection to help artists in sales. Climate change art is a form of artistic expression that aims to address topics related to climate change and its impact on the environment, society, and the world as a whole.

  • Visual Arts
  • Performing Arts
  • Film and Media
  • Street Art and Installations The future Funds will be allocated :
  • Branding and Graphic Design
  • community managers and moderators
  • researcher
  • purchase goodies and professional instruments.

GlitchGang History

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