Global Events

$55.01 crowdfunded from 57 people

$218.25 received from matching pools

BanklessDAO initiative supporting global web3 events through media partnerships, content publishing, event impact assistance, and onboarding new users, seeking support; contributors compensated in BANK tokens.

Global Events is a BanklessDAO initiative. We help our global network of contributors get involved in web3 events in their area. We are dedicated to the following:

• support web3 events through media partnerships • publishing web3 relevant media in the bDAO network • helping orgs and teams make an impact at web3 events • onboarding new users to web3 and supporting them in their journey

Global Events contributors are compensated retroactively in BANK token, and often only enough to cover the cost of travel. Our team do this for the love of the ecosystem, and we would love all the support you can give.

View highlights and interviews from our past collaborations:

See our deck for more detailed information about who we are and how to get involved.

Global Events History

  • accepted into Web3 Community and Education 10 months ago. 57 people contributed $55 to the project, and $218 of match funding was provided.

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