Green Planet Conservation Initiative

$152.46 crowdfunded from 113 people

$921.32 received from matching pools

average score over 2 application evaluations
Plant 1 million trees in Northern Nigeria by 2030, targeting 10,000 students through school campaigns to combat deforestation and climate change while promoting environmental conservation and sustainability.

Project Overview

Climate change is a global phenomenon that has far-reaching effects on the environment. Northern Nigeria is no exception to this.

Extreme weather patterns—fiercer, longer dry seasons and shorter, more intense rainy seasons—are exacerbating challenges confronting local communities. Extensive cultivation and overgrazing have been compounded by desertification, soil erosion, and other environmental problems that have affected the livelihoods of people living in the region


Continuous deforestation is happening in Northern Nigeria because of the need for food, medicine, charcoal, and timber. The loss of tree cover in a rainy, mountainous area has had severe environmental consequences. In addition to tremendous loss of biodiversity, the region experiences soil degradation, erosion, desertification and landslides.

Specific focus with this grant funding

Our goal is to plant 1 million trees in Northern Nigeria by 2030 through our school campaign program that is aimed to reach 10,000 students in the region. We will achieve this by partnering with local organizations, schools, and communities to promote tree planting and environmental conservation. We will also provide educational resources and training to teachers and students to help them understand the importance of environmental conservation. Our specific focus is on empowering school children on tree planting


Climate change is a global challenge that requires collective action to mitigate its effects. One way to address this issue is through tree planting and school campaigns. By providing environmental skills and knowledge to rural school children, the children will be empowered to protect their local environment.

Why we need your Support

Our vision is to create a sustainable future for generations to come by promoting tree planting and school campaigns. We believe that by planting trees, we can help to mitigate the effects of climate change and create a more sustainable environment. We also believe that by raising awareness about environmental conservation through school campaigns, we can inspire young people to take action and make a positive impact on the world.

Because of the awareness created by this project, the children and the community will learn to nurture the trees, and not cut them down. The knowledge of planting and protecting the trees will be passed on to the next generations. If this project succeeds, we will identify additional sectors in which trees can be planted, and spread our good work.

Green Planet Conservation Initiative History

  • applied to the Token Engineering 10 months ago which was rejected
  • accepted into Climate Solutions Round 10 months ago. 113 people contributed $152 to the project, and $921 of match funding was provided.

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