Greenpill Dev Guild

$3.32 crowdfunded from 0 people

average score over 1 application evaluations
Developing web3 tools for regen communities; the focus includes simplifying onboarding, measuring public good actions, and fostering coordination. Proceeds fund software, hosting, and development. Key projects: Greenpill App for easy access and Camp Green to gamify public impact.

We’re a collective of regen developers building tools for Greenpill chapters and regen communities.


The Greenpill Dev Guild is centered around creating products that use emerging web3 technologies from quadratic funding, hypercerts, attestations and more to help chapters and communities coordinate around public good actions. We’ve been actively building with a focus on simplifying onboarding into the regen space, measuring the impact of public good actions, and coordinating within regen communities.


The proceeds earned from the round will go towards providing the dev guild with the following:

  • Software Services - Tools such as Github, Figma and Miro to support our development process, making product iteration faster.
  • Infrastructure Hosting - Assets and APIs for products hosted by a cloud provider to ensure uptime and a quality user experience.
  • Development Work - Funds to pay for product, engineering, and design work by individuals within the guild.


We have a couple core projects in development

Greenpill App

Simplifying user onboarding into the regen space.

GP App UI Overview

Early on we identified a pain point across chapters when it came to onboarding especially chapters based in developing countries. We learned that many of the current web3 user experiences lack a mobile friendly approach and a simple way to get on a chain without a multitude of steps.

The solutions we found:

  • Account Abstraction Onboarding - Implementing simple login with Privy enabling users to login with social profiles such as Google, Discord, or Apple.
  • Mobile Driven Experience - Creating a PWA UI/UX giving a friendly user experience for those only on mobile devices.
  • Simple Hypercert Minting - Building a fluid and easy flow for users to mint hypercerts in 3 steps.

The app was the inception of the dev guild and since then we’ve been actively designing and engineering a user friendly experience with weekly meetings tracking progress. During ETHDenver we sped up development of key features of the app such as minting a hypercert and now plan to integrate the app with new features being worked on by the next project we’ll discuss.

Camp Green

Gamifying and rewarding public good impact.

Camp Green - User Contribution

Camp Green - Confirmation Approval

For ETHDenver a few members of the team dubbed the Greenpill Goonies went on an adventure exploring how attestations can be used for measuring and rewarding public good impact. We noticed the lack of user friendly tooling for measuring public good impact after projects receive funding. The difficulty for projects to reward people for contributions in a seamless way. Lastly, there’s no user-friendly way to record impact onchain as a contributor to a project

The solutions we identified:

  • PWA Driven Impact Capturing - Implement an easy process for contributors to capture their impact.
  • Project Contribution Rewards - Create an accessible platform for projects to view contributions and rewards individuals.
  • Impact Social Graph - Enable campaigns to monitor their development, manage financials, and measure the impacts of contributions.

With Camp Green we can help grant evaluators better measure impact, public good projects teams track actions, and contributors be rewarded for their work. As a result of ETHDenver we built the base foundation of contracts and attestations that we plan to build upon with support from the Hypercerts and EAS (Ethereum Attestation Service) teams.


These are the milestones we plan to reach in the next quarter.

  • Launch Greenpill App - with 5 chapters in Greenpill Network
  • Launch Camp Green - with 5 chapters in Greenpill Network
  • Deploy Public Goods Frame - in Farcaster for users to donate and attest to impact.

With the support of the community in the round we will be able to reach these milestones and most importantly support Greenpill chapters and regen communities.

Greenpill Dev Guild History

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