GreenPill Global

$765.14 crowdfunded from 35 people

$3,710.12 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
GreenPill Global aims to foster regenerative crypto projects by connecting talents, resources, and ideas within a community-platform hybrid, featuring forums, local chapters, and support for social entrepreneurs.

GreenPill Global


GreenPill Global is the connective tissue between local greenpill chapters, Owocki, greenpill podcast, and other regenerative crypto groups. We are building GG to rotate talent, capital, attention, and resources towards regenerative crypto projects. We envision GreenPill Global to emerge both as community and a platform that will be

  1. a forum to share learnings, stories, books, ideas, hobbies, passion projects, and skills.
  2. a community to conduct risk-free experiments, build your own brand and sharpen your own learnings about the space. This will empower local communities to actually deploy the toolkit for public goods funding.
  3. a launchpad to help social entrepreneurs and impact projects kickstart their dreams with mentorship, resources, and funding.

It will be built on the philosophy of peer-to-peer learning, and will operate on three levels:

Partnership with the local communities as people like this could help contextualise the tools we want to utilise in a localised context, and are also likely to be good liaisons with whatever relevant authorities. Enhance career intelligence which is essentially providing with right opportunities and skillsets to help individuals make informed decisions and take action about their career paths in regen space. Scale trust across the world by creating local chapters and sub-chapters that will emerge to solve the challenges and deploy the toolkit. We intend to curate meaningful offline learning experiences and meet-ups all over the world. We are specifically looking to add layers of learning and up-skilling to monthly meet-ups.

Where will the funds be utilized?

1. Building Fundamentals of community, put systems and processes in place for onboarding and partnerships 2. Product Development - Products to scale the community - Newsletters, masterclasses, job boards, live cohort-based fellowships, social network, and office hours. 3. CBCs(Cohort Based Courses) make learning a communal activity.They transform learning from a passive content consumption scenario to an active, out-come oriented process.

4. Establishing presence in ethereum events to gain traction and raise awareness.

Funds deployment will be administered by

  • Sejal Rekhan
  • Kevin Owocki
  • Stephen Reid

Traction So Far

  • Greenpill Meetup at Denver : Here
  • Discord Server Setup : Here
  • Recruited 26 chapter leads
  • Guide for initiating chapters prepared : Here
  • Social Media Setup for GG and chapters Here
  • Design Templates Ready Here

Conclusion : We will strive towards a self sustaining community but to begin with need support to build the fundamentals of community, put systems and processes in place for onboarding and partnerships and eventually move towards our goal of creating a public goods funding mechanims toolkit for communities.

P.S. We can’t attract talent if we do not show and guide them how to make a meaningful career in the regen space ; we can not attract attention, capital and resources until we strive for bridging the gap! We have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to build a sustainable future for ourselves and future generations. Let's not waste it by sitting around and waiting for talent, attention, capital, and resources to come to us. Let's go out there and get them!

GreenPill Global History

  • accepted into Web3 Community and Education 1 year ago. 35 people contributed $765 to the project, and $3,710 of match funding was provided.

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