Greenpill Governinit Summit

$21.48 crowdfunded from 0 people

average score over 1 application evaluations
Summit hosted by Greenpill Denver focused on governance and community engagement, featuring tool demos, local talks, global chapter insights, showcasing community organization, sustainability, and the transformative power of collaborative projects.

The Greenpill Governinit Summit hosted by Greenpill Denver was an event aimed at strengthening governance and community engagement within and outside the GreenPill Network. Bringing together over 100 participants, the summit featured demos from emerging digital tools like Hats Protocol, Geo Web, and Superfluid, alongside local community talks, and GreenPill Chapters panel highlighting the impact from chapters around the world. These sessions provided valuable insights into the successes and challenges of community organization and sustainability.

The Greenpill Governinit Summit exemplified the synergistic potential of collaboration within the GreenPill community and its partners. By focusing on governance, community building, and local support, the summit embodied the regenerative spirit of the GreenPill Network, marking a significant step forward in empowering communities and promoting public goods. Through this initiative, GreenPill continues to lead by example, showcasing the transformative impact of community-driven projects in the regenerative space and empowering our attendees with POAPs and ticketing from Unlock Protocol.

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