GreenPill Network : Round Manager Training
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GreenPill offers regenerative cryptoeconomics education through resources, trains managers for Gitcoin's Grant Stack, and has 20+ chapters, enhancing global web3 engagement and local impact.

GreenPill is a network-society that exports regenerative digital infrastructure to the world 🌎

An overview of our work:

Content Creation + Education: We have the GreenPilled book on regenerative cryptoeconomics (multiple languages), a podcast, a YouTube channel, a blog, local impact guides, and other resources. We create onboarding resources for the regen web3 Ethereum/EVM ecosystem.

Manager Round Training: We provide free training and resources to support the growing demand for Gitcoin Grant Stack, helping communities fund public goods via QF rounds, Direct Grants, and QF RetroPGF rounds.

Local Chapters: We have 20+ global chapters hosting web3 workshops, onboarding training, and local impact events.

How we are using Unlock Protocol:

Our Gitcoin Grant Stack Round Manager Training had 50+ participants in its first cohort. As a way to ensure engagement and high-quality learning, we issued on-chain credentials using Unlock Protocol, to everyone who completed the 8-week training.

We have since turned all the material into a free online course that you can find on Gitcoin's Youtube. With any community being able to run rounds on Gitcoin's Grant Stack, we're seeing a situation where there is more demand for rounds than there are round managers to run them. Our objective is it train as many people as possible so that ecosystems and communities can run their own community rounds on Gitcoin's Grant Stack, to help make public goods funding more accessible.

This Unlock x Arbitrum Round was created by people who went through our free Grant Stack training cohort


GreenPill Network : Round Manager Training History

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