Gustavo 4 ReligioDAO

$4.11 crowdfunded from 0 people

average score over 1 application evaluations
Gustavo is founding Religio DAO to harmonize collective narratives and connect with Ethereum community without financial gain, seeking support for Devconnect attendance.

Gustavo is a social and economic facilitator/wizzard in the mission to bring collective and self-sovereignity dreams down to reality by inclusive methodologies and social structures.

In the aim to find his place in web3, coming from a context where personal and collective healing is the anchor for his own life, he is the process of founding and expanding the network of Religio DAO, a movement that seeks harmony within and without by designing a collective narrative that channels the energy of the cosmos while grounding it in the heart of our terrestrial existence.

Gus is looking to face his most deeper fear by opening his dream to the Ethereum community and is currently dedicated to achieve this mission that has not any financial profit for him.

So, if you like to support Gustavo's cost for coming to Devconnect while he expands Religio DAO's potential network, you know what to do! If not, well, just look for him in the corridors and have fun while deep conversations with him.

Gustavo 4 ReligioDAO History

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