At this stage, many project contracts are deployed on multiple evm-based public chains, and each contract redeployment requires a lot of matching, deployment, and maintenance work. Hamster Parallel provides parallel deployment middleware from the Ethereum mainnet to other Layer2s and between zk Layer2s, one-click and smooth deployment.
To realize this, the Hamster Intelligent Deployment (HID) offers components like Solidity Compiler, EVM Instruction Mapping, State Mapping, Data Type Mapping, ZKP Generation, and Security Audit to enable the same smart contract to be re-deployed from either EVM Compatible ZK Layer1 or Layer2 to another EVM Compatible ZK Layer2 or Layer1 respectively.
And the HID offers components like Proof Format Conversion, Bytecode Conversion, Performance Optimization, Environment Abstraction, Testing Framework, and Security Audit to enable the smart contracts on EVM Compatible ZK Layer2s to be re-deployed to either EVM Compatible ZK Layer2 or non-EVM Compatible ZK Layer2s.
Hamster Parallel History
applied to the Zuzalu Continuous Innovation 1 year ago of which the application is still in a pending state