Hazel - Mobile Game That Fights Climate Change

$70.87 crowdfunded from 7 people

$344.54 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
Mobile game Hazel incentivizes users to fund carbon removal by playing—earning through ad views, in-app purchases, and NFT trades, all contributing to global carbon neutrality efforts.

Hazel fights climate change by mobilizing consumer spending to fund leading carbon-removal projects worldwide.

Hazel is a mobile game. Just by playing, users are helping fund carbon removal in three ways:

  1. Ad views. A portion of all ad revenue funds our carbon-removal portfolio. Just by watching an ad, you're helping fight climate change!
  2. In-game purchases. All in-app purchases support carbon removal & earn in-app assets and rewards that make Hazel more fun to play
  3. web3 integration. You can unlock & earn NFTs by playing Hazel; when you trade these NFTs, a portion of sales revenue also funds carbon removal.

Hazel is available now on iOS and Android.

Help support our project so we can continue delivering on our aggressive product roadmap & meet the global carbon-removal challenge.

Background: Why Carbon Removal? Society is making great progress in decarbonizing our economy--but getting to carbon neutrality is only the first step. Even if we stopped adding carbon to the atmosphere tomorrow, it's estimated we'd still need to remove 10 gigatonnes of carbon from the atmosphere annually to avoid the worst impacts of climate change.

For scale, that's about 1/3 the mass of Mt. Everest that we'd need to remove every year.

chart showing carbon removal challenge

That's where Hazel comes in. By unlocking consumer activity & spending, Hazel helps exponentially raise more money for carbon removal work around the world, helping society get to our removal targets quickly enough to have a meaningful impact.

But the clock is ticking, and we have to move fast!

Roadmap We're extremely proud of the progress we've made since the round last fall. We set ourselves an aggressive timeline & roadmap to get Hazel into the market ASAP, and we succeeded! We launched Hazel in February on both Android & iOS with an early beta community of a few thousand players--and now we're excited to grow Hazel to the next level!

Know that if you support our project in the current round, we'll continue to deliver and outperform!

(You can see our original roadmap + milestones here)

Current roadmap:

  • April & May -- Further game updates, including adding new island assets users can unlock, additional upgrades & customization abilities.
  • May -- In-game NFT minting! You'll soon be able to mint your in-game island into an NFT at a higher level, transfer it to/from your wallet and have true ownership of it! Your island will be the defacto record of all the carbon impact you've made over its lifetime in Hazel too--think of it as your running climate scorecard, which grows and evolves as you make a bigger & bigger impact on the climate.
  • June -- Additional gameplay refinements
  • Q3 2023 -- Launch of Season 2 content & retirement of current Season 1 content

Why We Need Your Support Climate change is a race: Each day a new Hazel feature is delayed is another day's worth of global carbon emissions that then need to be removed from the atmosphere.

Our team has a proven our ability to deliver a killer product experience quickly. But we need your funding to remain full-time on Hazel, deliver on our roadmap & help meet the global carbon-removal challenge!

Help us build out the Hazel experience & tackle climate change!

If you ever wished you could fight climate change just by tapping a button on your phone, now you can!

Play Hazel & make an impact.

Thank you for your support!

Hazel - Mobile Game That Fights Climate Change History

  • accepted into Climate Solutions 1 year ago. 7 people contributed $71 to the project, and $345 of match funding was provided.

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