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HelloPay is a decentralized social payment platform integrating various cryptocurrencies for seamless and transparent transactions via smart contracts, covering diverse social payment scenarios.

Project Vision

HelloPay is an Universal Decentralized Social Payment Platform, designed to redefine web3 social connections by its seamless and frictionless crypto-native onchain payment experience.  

Project Positioning

It's like a combination of Venmo, CashAPP, WechatPay and Crypto Wallet like Metamask, but with crypto currency like $USDC, $ETH, $Degen, $Poly etc., as assets and currency. The trustless and open and transparent payment process is ensured through smart contracts on the chain, and multiple Web3 social media platforms are integrated to achieve a one-stop onchain social payment platform.

HelloPay: Covering all social payment scenarios

HelloPay is a general-purpose protocol that can be used for a wide variety of payment applications, some use cases are more popular than others. HelloPay will cover the three types of payment for social purposes: Point-to-Point, One-to-Many & Many-to-One and, Many-to-Many.

Core Features

1️⃣Trustless and transparent Onchain Payment secured by Smart Contract

2️⃣Multiple Time-based Vesting Payment Supported 

3️⃣Evm-based and all crypto-currency supported

4️⃣Diversified Onchain Payment Scenarios Surrounding Social Connections

Use Cases

HelloPay will focus on social payment scenarios and launch a series of modular functions to meet users’ social payment needs surrounding social graphs and redefine social connection in web3. The decentralized payment scenario includes almost overall payment needs, such as tips, crowdfunding, donations, draws, contests, paid subscriptions, etc.

  • Tipping  Followers 

  • Game Betting  

  • Direct Social Media Giveaway to get more exposure

  • DAO PayRoll 

Useful Links 

Website: https://hellopay.xyz/

Farcaster: https://warpcast.com/hellopay

X: https://x.com/Hellopay_xyz

Hub: https://linktr.ee/Hello_Pay

Demo Video : https://youtu.be/WxA8blcD4SM**

HelloPay History

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