HERE Wallet

$3,080.90 crowdfunded from 2557 people

$2,772.39 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
Enable direct use of DeFi apps from Binance/Coinbase accounts with an app that transfers funds for on-chain transactions, launched with 4500 monthly active users.

Self-custodial wallet over centralized exchanges - use any dApps from "Binance" balance

Users can connect their account on Binance/(Coinbase) and use DeFi directly from their exchange balance

While using dApps, the wallet itself transfers money from the exchange to user's on-chain account and executes the transaction immediately. HERE turn crypto users who keep money on exchanges into crypto users

NOW: Launched on Google Play & App Store, 4500 MAU

👇app 👇

HERE Wallet History

  • accepted into Web3 Open Source Software 1 year ago. 2557 people contributed $3,081 to the project, and $2,772 of match funding was provided.

People donating to HERE Wallet, also donated to

Volunteered as a Discord/Telegram moderator for Gitcoin, fighting POAP farmers, assisting the community, and proposed a grant review tool for Gitcoin's impact assessment.
AI tool improves visibility and decision-making for web3 public goods funding donors by enabling queries about projects, assessing impact, and providing equitable exposure for all grantees.
Advocate for public goods conducted educational events and workshops, managed a successful Gitcoin grant round, and engaged African communities in funding impactful projects.
Developed the UI for a real-time quadratic funding platform, involving animated data visualization, mobile optimization, smart contract integration, multi-sig deployment scripts, and privacy analytics for Gitcoin's network.
KarlaGod leads a not-for-profit teaching web3 and blockchain at universities, actively contributing to Gitcoin by educating on Gitcoin Passport, creating tutorials, moderating, and advocating for public goods with music. Plans to develop an EduFi dApp.