
$183.31 crowdfunded from 102 people

$719.93 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
Japanese university student promotes inclusivity in web3, championing participation of Asian youth and women by attending global conferences, building a support community, and developing public goods focused on diversity.

I'm a Japanese female university student, deeply passionate about building and funding public goods. My commitment lies in enhancing the participation of Japanese and Asian youth and women in web3.

I firmly believe in the transformative power of decentralization. To me, it's a way to redistribute power, challenging the norms of centralized systems and offering a vision of a more democratic future. It's essential to understand that inclusivity is at the heart of this vision. By actively integrating women, Japanese individuals, and other groups into this space, we don't just enrich the ecosystem; we ensure it resonates with diverse voices and perspectives. Drawing from myriad backgrounds and experiences results in more balanced decision-making. As I see it, the more we champion diversity, the closer we get to an inclusive society where innovation thrives without the shadow of biases or monopolistic tendencies. Crypto, in my view, are catalysts in this movement, offering a blueprint for a truly democratic and equitable future as they welcome wider participation.

Key Activities

  1. Open Sharing: Attending worldwide crypto conferences and meetups, and sharing experiences and insights from global crypto conferences on Mirror and Twitter.
  2. Community Building: Building a mutual support community for women on Telegram to share about crypto and public goods.
  3. Public Goods Development: Working on creating public goods that realize plurality based on intellectual curiosity.

hiromiouchi.eth History

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