Historia de Honduras
average score over 1 application evaluations
We aim to generate historical memory of Honduras using Web3 tools, sharing daily historical events via social media, and conducting cultural events like guided tours and crypto transactions.

The objective of our project is to disseminate the History of Honduras in order to generate historical memory using Web 3 tools. In essence, we disseminate through social networks the daily historical events on the History of Honduras, we also use tools such as Twitter Espacio, guided tours of historical centers, as well as sharing books and articles on history. For the last 6 months we have held various cultural events, such as visiting parks, historical places, Twitter spaces where we have made use of the POAP. In all the events we have made transactions in Crypto through electronic wallets, in addition to explaining and publishing some NFTs, always related to culture. We have several platforms on social networks such as Facebook who has more than 50281 followers; Twitter with 16,895 and Tik Tok with 13,100. We are applying for this round with the aim of continuing to disseminate the philosophy and tools of Web3 taking history and anthropology into account. Finally, let's not forget that "Knowledge and ideas are public goods".

Historia de Honduras History

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