Gitcoin Grants | Public Good in The Metaverse

Currently running on the Arbitrum blockchain from 29 Jul 2024 04:00 to 01 Oct 2024 04:00 (UTC).
ARB 350000
Matching pool
Total Projects
Total USD Crowdfunded
Total Donations
0 matching cap
No Matching Cap
Total Donors
01 Oct 2024 04:00
Round will end on
Projects Reaching Matching Cap
Glo Dollar
A stablecoin directing all profits to fund public goods and charities, USDGLO aims to create a sustainable philanthropic funding mechanism through everyday transactions.
Giveth supports real-world impact projects in web3 by offering free fundraising tools and access to diverse donor ecosystems. Achievements include multi-chain integration, quadratic funding rounds, and decentralized attestation services.
A platform simplifying DeFi for non-experts with an intuitive interface, user-friendly onboarding, and robust support, making decentralized financial services accessible and secure for all.
Maxi DeSci Metaverse
The project is a digital metaverse platform promoting the decentralized science (deSci) ecosystem, fostering global collaboration, education, and innovation through immersive events, blockchain integration, and virtual networking.
Dspyt- into CodeVerse
Dspyt-CodeVerse is dedicated to advancing Web3 through open-source projects, educational resources, and community building, focusing on blockchain and programming languages like Python and JavaScript.
Integrate tree data into a decentralized app in Portland, allowing users to adopt trees via NFTs and earn crypto for reporting tree health and growth.
Metaversai offers web3 education and middleman services, funded by donations for operations, website and dApp development, and educational articles on the Metaverse and web3.
The Open-Source Orchestra is a decentralized, community-driven music group within the Ethereum ecosystem, enhancing events through music, technical support, and community building, aiming to grow globally using web3 technology.
EcoLand is an immersive gaming universe combining conventional gameplay with blockchain technology, allowing players to own and trade NFTs and cryptocurrency while contributing to environmental sustainability.
Historia de Honduras
We aim to generate historical memory of Honduras using Web3 tools, sharing daily historical events via social media, and conducting cultural events like guided tours and crypto transactions.
Pairwise: Simplifying Choices, Amplifying Voices
Open-source, off-chain voting dapp using an Elo-style system for simple, enjoyable community decision-making and project ranking with planned voter rewards and semi-anonymous options.