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Holons is a web3-based "liquid remuneration" system that splits rewards like ether among project contributors according to community-defined "flavors" without fixed shares, fostering altruistic collaboration.

Open source and collaboration is all about contributions, but how do we account for them? How is truly open collaboration rewarded? Holons is a “liquid remuneration” infrastructure built on web3; the mechanism fundamentally consists of a stackable payment splitter that weights fund appropriation according to the holon’s “flavor” ( eg: egalitarian, time-based, appreciative, zoned, hybrid etc…) Each Holon has its own payment address where ether and any ERC20 tokens reward can be sent. This reward will be automatically split across its members. This resembles the way dividends work within a traditional organizations; the fundamental differences is that shares in the holon can’t be purchased or are not set in advance, but computed at the moment of payment.

For instance, in an “appreciative” holon, members can appreciate others but cannot send appreciation to themselves. In this way we obtain an altruistic intersubjective signal that can highlight the people who have significantly advanced the project or have closely collaborated to the other members.

Holons can also be stacked or nested into each other: a marketing holon could receive value from the sales holon for their good work, and in turn part of it would be sent back for their support . As people join different holons, they can receive funds from multiple streams within the same organization, and also across organizations.

Holons breaks the silos and enables a completely new way of thinking about organizations and collaboration: People can join any causes and projects they care about and contribute however they can. Whenever a reward is received (Eg: a prize, a grant, a dividend, but also any tokens for coffee, beer, voting power, etc..), it will activate the reward graph, and flow automatically through the entire holonic infrastructure, rewarding the people who contributed in the "flavor" required by the community.

Holons History

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Developing open-source tools to manage and revoke web3 token allowances, ensuring wallet safety against exploits and phishing with a browser extension alert system.
Develop an automated Grant Review Dashboard for Gitcoin to simplify grant application reviews, aiding round owners, grant creators, and DAO contributors by analyzing social and on-chain data.
Empowering African scientists using Decentralized Science principles through educational content, community building, and event participation to overcome resource access barriers and promote continental collaboration.
Documentary series exploring the healing and transformative impact of NFT artistry in web3 communities, aiming to educate viewers about cryptocurrency and its real-world value through personal stories of global artists.