"JPGs Against Humanity" Documentary Series

$11.01 crowdfunded from 1 people

average score over 1 application evaluations
Documentary series exploring the healing and transformative impact of NFT artistry in web3 communities, aiming to educate viewers about cryptocurrency and its real-world value through personal stories of global artists.

"JPGs Against Humanity" (JPGAH) is an episodic documentary film series sharing parallels to the popular Netflix show "Chef's Table". This series will specifically target an audience who have little knowledge of web3/NFTs/crypto but who have a love of art/travel/history. The series will dive deep into the emotional stories of NFT artists around the world whose traumas and inner demons have been healed by their participation in web3 communities. Those traumas include mental health issues, socialization difficulties, and financial insecurities.

Web3 Education Through Art Despite the immense strides that have been made in the last few years, many people still view crypto and NFTs through the lens of being a giant ponzi scheme wrought with scams. Words like decentralization, smart contracts, and even blockchain itself are complete gibberish. Even short videos that attempt to explain these terms to people are glossed over because they are presented with assumptions that everyone has basic understanding of technology -- this is not the case. This film series will add much needed context to the web3 space by educating people on these concepts in a subtle manner; that is to say, they'll be wrapped up in stories of art, culture, and history, which are much more digestible and relatable to the average person.

Stills from EP1 in production

Everyone can appreciate and relate to stories of art and being able to experience foreign cultures from their couch. This film series will show that crypto and the NFT space is not just butterflies and rainbows -- that behind the curtain are real, deeply flawed humans who desire to make the world a better place through code. It is my mission to educate people about important global issues, but discretely weave them into tales of emotion in which we can feel connected to these individuals who have become evangelists of the artistic renaissance unfolding before us.

Stills from EP1 in production

"First-world" countries are typically oblivious to the financial struggles that come with living in less privileged parts of the world. It's been said that as much as 70% of the planet lives in extreme poverty, where the daily income can be as low as $5/day and where these people don't even have access to a bank. For them, the ability to engage with an ecosystem in which a piece of artwork can be sold for $20 and those funds received instantly in a wallet could be life-changing. We MUST do more to educate people about how transformative this can be.

Finally, the idea that this documentary series could be entirely funded through cryptocurrency grants would serve as the ultimate case study proving that digital assets have real world value, as many outsiders naively cling to the belief that tokens like ETH are nothing more than fictional money that cannot be used for any goods and services of substance. We will prove them wrong.

How Will Funds Be Used? Film production at this level is expensive. With each episode, there is crew, airfare/hotels, meals, equipment rentals, lighting, location permits, insurance policies, post-production (editing, music, VFX, graphics) -- just to name a few. A single episode with an expected TRT (total run-time) of 45-50 min could cost about $100-150k USD. We have many scripted ideas, and will pursue as many as possible with the donations and matching funds received.

Stills from EP1 in production

What Makes Me Qualified? I am a filmmaker working in the Hollywood film industry. My work in documentaries has earned me 3x Emmy nominations, and I'm a member of the Motion Picture Editors Guild. I've worked with Oscar-nominated producers and many talented individuals who can help guide the acquisition and distribution of this series. And, as an NFT artist myself, I am uniquely positioned on the front lines of this battle to tell the stories of the many vulnerable creators fighting for global adoption. Many of these stories are highly personal and require a deep level of trust, something that an outsider may not have acquired.

"JPGs Against Humanity" Documentary Series History

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