Shivarthu Democracy

$30.23 crowdfunded from 2 people

$1.17 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
A blockchain-based decentralized system for fair democracy, dividing governance into specialized departments, emphasizing expertise in voting, and creating a feedback loop to maintain utilitarian leadership.

Overview Shivarthu: The blockchain-based decentralized governance system. Democracy is about fair and equal treatment of everyone in a country. But it becomes unrealistic to achieve when political parties have their conflict of interest, and leaders don’t have the expertise to make evidence-based policies and neither have the skill and manpower for solving problems that surround our society and ecosystem. The new fair democracy provides an elegant way of governance that separates the representative responsibility according to their specialization and can grow into any complexity. The governance is divided into various departments, and each department is supervised by representatives with expertise in the field. Rational voters who have a sufficient understanding of the departments and their issues will be given more weight in the voting process than other voters. It results in a self-reinforcing feedback loop that eliminates frivolous actors and leaves utilitarian ones in charge.

Shivarthu Democracy History

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