$4,262.36 crowdfunded from 2891 people
$7,861.75 received from matching pools
Horiza DEX provides a liquidity layer on the Arbitrum One blockchain using:
• CLMM via Univ3 Fork; • Automated Liquidity Management marketplace; • ve(3,3) mechanism; • oTokenomics.
Stability: Through a combination of oTokenomics, auto-bribes, Emission boost and reduced Max Supply of the native token, we reduce the impact of mercenary liquidity on the protocol, increase returns for loyal users and make the native token of the protocol stable. In addition to generous bribes from external protocols, Horiza will provide veHRA voters with a stream of never-ending incentives.
With its unique approach, Horiza aims to provide deep liquidity on the Arbitrum blockchain and create a decentralized market for token emissions.
Security: Horiza is the first friendly Retro fork, so all contracts involving user funds are post facto audited by Open Zeppelin. We also inherit all audits of contracts interacting with liquidity from Uniswap v3. Thus, Horiza is as safe as possible already at the moment of launch.
User Experience: Another problem with many DeFi applications is that the interface is not intuitive and complex to use. For this reason, the Horiza team has developed a unique ve(3,3) DEX design and developed the front-end for it from scratch. We are sure that working with Horiza will bring you both profit and a pleasant journey.
Horiza History
applied to the Web3 Open Source Software 1 year ago of which the application is still in a pending state
accepted into Web3 Open Source Software 1 year ago. 2891 people contributed $4,262 to the project, and $7,862 of match funding was provided.