$47.43 crowdfunded from 13 people
$453.76 received from matching pools
Since April 2022 we are creating a knowledge and networking hub for new impact project builders. Impact Academy was born in April 2022 as Impact NFT Academy and rebooted in late 2022 with an adjustment of goals, activities and outputs.
Impact creators have to learn from zero to orient themselves in the complex Web3 and Refi Space and learn about many subjects including marketing, strategic vision, networking, team building, business development, community management. The learning process, in this complex, fast growing space is time consuming and not doing it right can put the entire project at risk.
Creating a vibrant knowledge and networking hub that allow new impact projects builders to save time and bend the learning curve with engaging educational activities including:
A weekly series of Twitter spaces called Hot Seats. In these spaces the host, Claudio Cifuentes Lobo, has a grilling session where he respectfully touches on the challenging aspects of a project. The USP of this offering is the candidness and openness with which the conversation is held. It helps the backers and well wishers of the project to get a deeper insight into the founders mind. Active since January 2023
One to one impact calls. Free personalized calls by in house experts, about many topics including: strategic vision, Twitter growth, Gitcoin grant and more. Active since July 2022 and renamed in February 2023.
Impact seminars: online lessons about the basics of Impact building, the ReFi Space, Climate solutions and the main tools used to accelerate an Impact Project. Launching in May 2023!
Impact Guidebooks: educational books developed along the impact seminars and given freely to every participant. Launching in May 2023
Hosted several Twitter spaces on various subjects including 6 hot seats Supported over 30 founders with 1:1 personalized Impact Calls Built a Discord with 121 members and tested various formats for community building and engagement Built a Twitter page with 1235 followers, and regularly published content since April 2022 Participated successfully in Gitcoin Grant 14, June 2022 Rebooted and adjusted goals and outputs for the project
Weekly Twitter hot spaces for ReFI projects
Expand the one to one Impact calls with new subjects and a larger number of builders supported
Launch impact seminars
Launch impact guidebooks
Earthbased soul, wildlife biologist and visionary, cofounder of Solarpunk Nomads and Solarpunk Guild, has spent the last years spreading awareness on social media about the Climate Emergency and Biodiversity crisis.
Claudio Cifuentes Lobo, journalist and writer, cofounder of La Dream Machine, a web3 lab with latin latin & critical perspective.
Impact Academy: making impact knowledge accessible History
accepted into Web3 Community and Education 1 year ago. 13 people contributed $47 to the project, and $454 of match funding was provided.