Ohana DAO is creating a framework and interface to establish a decentrailized mutli-chain Impact reporting and reputation system..
Our first DApp, "Impact Ledger", quantifies and tracks the positive social and environmental impact generated by Web3 impact interactions.
Impact Ledger scans different blockchains for activities linked to quantifiable real-world impact, such as carbon offsetting, tree planting, education funding and other on-chain and REFI initiatives. It uses this data to generate Impact reports and on an on chain profile, offering a transparent and verifiable way to measure and showcase impact.
While Ohana DAO's Firs Dapp Impact Ledger initially focused on, on-chain impact scoring using Universal Profiles, there's a broader vision to create a versatile and adaptable framework for reputation systems. This framework will enable the creation cross-chain reputation scores based on various criteria, expanding use cases beyond social impact assessment.
Impact Ledger History
applied to the GG22 OSS - dApps and Apps 4 months ago which was rejected