Ether Alpha

$386.16 crowdfunded from 314 people

$84.62 received from matching pools

average score over 2 application evaluations
Developing open source tools and resources focused on Ethereum, emphasizing education and change monitoring, maintaining existing projects, and funding new projects and community resources for ecosystem health.

Led by hanniabu.eth, Ether Alpha develops open source tools and resources with a focus on promoting positive change through education and monitoring.

Some notable projects include:

You cannot promote positive change in the ecosystem without educating the community on why change is important or the ability to monitor change. Ether Alpha aims to address these issues.

Funding will be used to:

  • Maintain existing projects
  • Develop new projects
  • Fund grants/bounties to develop supporting resources

The latest project being developed is, which can be envisioned as a mashup of,, and Rated.Network. It will be a dashboard of ~20 different metrics with a focus on the health of Ethereum's decentralization and feature a dedicated page for each metric to educate on the importance of that metric, the current status, risks, resources, tools, etc.

Ether Alpha History

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