Zero Knowledge Podcast

$2,013.92 crowdfunded from 411 people

$6,335.36 received from matching pools

average score over 2 application evaluations
Podcast exploring decentralized web tech, community, zero knowledge research, and online interaction paradigms, seeking funding for transcript correction and merchandise. Hosted by Anna Rose.

Zero Knowledge is a podcast which goes deep into the tech that will power the emerging decentralized web and the community that is building it. Covering the latest in zero knowledge research and applications, the open web as well as future technologies and paradigms that promise to change the way we interact — and transact — with one another online.

Zero Knowledge is hosted by Anna Rose.

This funding helps us to pay the crowdsources correction of the transcripts from all of our previous episodes, a ZK merch line and much more!

Zero Knowledge Podcast History

  • accepted into Web3 Community and Education 11 months ago. 80 people contributed $305 to the project, and $789 of match funding was provided.
  • accepted into ZK Tech Round 1 year ago. 331 people contributed $1,709 to the project, and $5,546 of match funding was provided.

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