ImpactNFT Marketplace

$1.78 crowdfunded from 0 people

average score over 3 application evaluations
A blockchain-based NFT marketplace where transactions support social and environmental projects, offering transparency and direct funding for project creators.

Impact NFT Marketplace Documentation


The Impact NFT Marketplace facilitates the buying, selling, and trading of Impact NFTs (INFTs), supporting various environmental and social projects. This platform ensures that transactions directly contribute to impactful causes, fostering a community of contributors passionate about making a difference.

Value Propositions

For Contributors

  • Direct Impact: Every transaction on the marketplace contributes to a selected cause, ensuring your purchases have a real-world impact.
  • Transparency and Trust: Blockchain technology offers unparalleled transparency, allowing contributors to see exactly where and how their funds are being used.

For Project Creators

  • Access to Funding: Provides a platform for environmental and social projects to access funding directly from the global community.
  • Visibility: Increases the visibility of projects to a wider audience, attracting more supporters and contributors.

User Stories

Emily's Engagement

Emily, passionate about ocean conservation, discovers a series of INFTs supporting coral reef restoration. Through the marketplace, she purchases an INFT, directly contributing to the cause while gaining a unique digital asset.

Mark's Mission

Mark, a social entrepreneur, lists his project's INFTs on the marketplace. His project focuses on providing clean water to underserved communities. The marketplace gives his initiative exposure to a broader audience, attracting significant contributions and support.

How It Works

  1. Explore INFTs: Users browse the marketplace, learning about the various causes supported by each INFT.
  2. Secure Transactions: Purchases are completed securely, with a transparent record of the transaction and its impact.
  3. Engage and Impact: Contributors can track the impact of their purchases and engage with project creators through updates and community features.

Future Developments

  • User Experience Enhancements
  • Expanding the Range of INFTs
  • Community Engagement Tools


The Impact NFT Marketplace is a pioneering platform where blockchain technology facilitates social and environmental good, connecting contributors with impactful projects worldwide.

ImpactNFT Marketplace History

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