average score over 1 application evaluations
Create a digital dispute resolution system for fast and efficient arbitration and mediation, utilizing Web 2.0 and 3.0 technologies to streamline the legal process.

Court service. Arbitration service. Mediation service. Dispute resolution resolution service.

Just think about FTX legal fees. Sizeable number. Lawyers charge pretty decent rates. Same can be applicable to judges and courts. Fast. Efficient. Streamlined. Totally possible to make business out of it.

Also practical for the post-COVID world that moved to digital. Which jurisdiction? Which court? Which dispute resolution.

Possible workflow

Whenever a dispute arises in real life:

  • Person A: you are unreasonable, I'm right
  • Person B: no, you are unreasonable, I'm right
  • Open the app: person A records 1 minute video
  • Person B records 1 minute video
  • Push notification to the users of the app who are currently online
  • 5 independent people decide
  • If result is satisfying: success, done, move on
  • If result causes further dispute: increase the number of jurors

The algorithm is the clone of Kleros, but using Web 2.0 technologies. Will use Web 3.0 features such as tokenomics, reputation. Potentially we can call it KlerosFork 2.5 (to indicate Web 2.5, best of both worlds).

This can resolve issues in business. Relationships. Save of loads hassle and drama.

For some disputes some form of credentials / qualification might be required, if something is detailed nuanced.

Related project in the round

Similar to + = setting the foundation for the new legal system. So many ancient laws that serve no purpose, while loads of challenges related to modern tech are unclear, unresolved, legal grey area.

Collaborative effort

All projects in this round are under the umbrella of the Planetary Council. Too many of them 🙈 Need to focus, need to prioritise, that’s why dedicated round acting as community vote. We also welcome (more than welcome) potential supporters and collaborators

Starting a project (hackathon or otherwise) is just a first step on the journey. Some people are better with starting multiple projects (connectedness, finding gaps in the market) some people are better as BUSINESS OPERATORS who enjoy single minded focus. If you are one of these people: please join the effort 🙏

Stay in touch / contact / more info:

  • WWW:
  • Telegram:
  • Twitter:
  • Calendly: ☎️

Additional incentive to vonate 🗳

Vote. Donate. Vonate. Receive the NFT passport:

  • Vonate $10 or more: receive Arbitrum passport valued at least 0.007 ETH
  • Vonate $100 or more: receive Ethereum passport valued at least 0.07 ETH

(we say “at least” because each purchase automatically bumps up the price)

You can read more about the passports at + History

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