Individual Contributions to Ethereum dot org documentation/content

$39.17 crowdfunded from 33 people

$222.43 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
Contributed to by updating the reading sections, editing PoW vs PoS introductions for clarity, and revising the FAQs on proof of stake.

I made a series of contributions to the Ethereum dot org content to help improve the content.

Here are some of the contributions I have made to improve the contents of the Ethereum dot org website.

  1. Updated the further reading section on the Ethereum Account.

  2. Edited the introduction section of Proof of Work - PoW vs Proof of Stake PoS for better reading, clarity and comprehension.

Context - The introductory page which talked about the use of PoW before the move to PoS, provides some challenges in comprehension by the reader - me. This was due to the wording and so I did a light edit to the wording to make it easy to read.

  1. Edited the FAQs section on proof of stake for better reading to correct some minor errors.

Here is my GITPOAP

Individual Contributions to Ethereum dot org documentation/content History

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