Interplanetary Shipyard: go-libp2p, js-libp2p, rust-libp2p
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Maintenance and enhancement of libp2p, a networking stack used by Ethereum and other blockchains, by Interplanetary Shipyard, crucial for high market cap security and efficient data transfer.

Infrastructure Impact:

The libp2p networking stack is the core of hundreds of L1/L2 chains, including Ethereum, Filecoin, Polkadot, Optimism, etc., as well as numerous other decentralized applications. The team at Interplanetary Shipyard is responsible for the feature development and maintenance of three popular libp2p implementations: js-libp2p (, go-libp2p (, and rust-libp2p (

These 3 implementations together power >=75% of the Beacon Chain i.e. the Ethereum network’s consensus mechanism. As of 2024-04-17, js-libp2p powers ~2.6% of the network via Lodestar nodes, go-libp2p powers ~30% percent via Prysm nodes, and rust-libp2p powers ~42% via Lighthouse nodes according to

As of September 15, 2022, libp2p has been powering the Ethereum mainnet and as of 2024-04-17 secures the Ethereum market cap of $355 B (not including any other networks). For more information on the history of the libp2p project and Ethereum please see:

Additionally, well over 250k IPFS p2p nodes participate in the IPFS DHT:

Engagement in Pioneering Development:

libp2p offers a wide range of protocols and capabilities for Ethereum and other networks. The Beacon Chain makes use of the following libp2p protocols: the TCP transport protocol for connection establishment, mplex and yamux for multiplexing messages, Noise for data encryption, multistream select for protocol multiplexing, and GossipSub as the PubSub mechanism for data transfer/message passing. Clients like Lighthouse and Prysm are also moving to adopt the QUIC transport.

libp2p also has Gossipsub, which is the primary protocol used for message and block propagation in the Beacon Chain. It is responsible for timely and correct delivery of messages that will be included in the next block, making sure that misbehaving peers are not delaying propagation of important messages and no forks happen due to delayed message delivery or malicious behavior. Interplanetary Shipyard continues to strengthen these libp2p implementations and their protocols for the Ethereum community.

Interplanetary Shipyard: go-libp2p, js-libp2p, rust-libp2p History

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