Ethereum Attestation Service (EAS)
average score over 2 application evaluations
Open-source infrastructure for creating digital attestations on any subject, supporting trust-building online and onchain, with applications ranging from reputation to governance systems across multiple mainnets.

EAS is an infrastructure public good for making attestations onchain or offchain about anything. It’s open-source, permissionless, and token-free.

Attestations are simply digital signatures on structured data used to build more trust online and onchain. EAS is an open standard where any entity can make attestations about anything. You simply register a schema (or use an existing one) about any topic and make attestations referencing that schema. Additional utilities extend the functionality while making the protocol highly composable and easy to build upon.

This primitive and ledger of attestations will help us decentralize more than just money and assets. We'll be able to coordinate and build reputation systems, voting systems, governance systems, decentralized social media, provenance of goods, knowledge and social graphs, content authenticity platforms, and much much more.

Available Mainnets:

Ethereum, Optimism, Base, Arbitrum, Polygon, Linea, Celo, Scroll

Attestation Examples:

  • Optimism natively integrated EAS into the OP Stack linked by two predeploy addresses. It was used for retropgf3 and other governance use cases.
  • Coinbase uses EAS for their Coinbase Verifications product
  • Gitcoin Passport uses EAS to attest to passport scores and stamps onchain

Ethereum Attestation Service (EAS) History

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EAS is an open-source, permissionless service for creating onchain/offchain attestations, aiding in trust verification with smart contracts, development tools, and community use cases like Gitcoin Passport.