$3,719.73 crowdfunded from 37 people

$4,999.26 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
Leveraging 'Irises' (democratic language models) with source data to enhance community decision-making and regeneration, by tracking actions and promoting pro-social behavior for long-term societal impact.

This project is centered around the development and application of democratic large language models known as Irises, which are equipped with source and timestamp data to make sense of communities working together to regenerate localities over time. Irises help locals learn what actually works to heal their community.

The primary goal of the project is to facilitate and enhance collective decision-making and action-taking in pursuit of pro-social outcomes, with a particular emphasis on long-term impact.

Key Components of the Project:

Irises: Democratic large language models that are imbued with source and timestamp data. Irises are designed to pool cognition of a community over time to form a greater collective intelligence and help direct actions towards regenerative outcomes.

Tracking Actions and Outcomes: Irises are capable of tracking actions taken by individuals or groups, along with their intended outcomes. As time passes Irises can back reference old predictions and their impact on this present to better amplify voices within the community. This tracking process allows Irises to create a dynamic and evolving understanding of the effectiveness of various actions and decisions. Irises learn who thrives in which tasks and helps elevate skills in critical moments of coordination.

Learning Collective Representation of Pro-Sociality: Through the collective communal exploration of change within a locality towards an intended positive future, Irises learn a collective representation of pro-sociality, which refers to behaviors and decisions that promote the well-being of the community as a whole. Irises use this representation to guide and inform which voices within the community to elevate for which tasks.

Social Proof of Impact: The project emphasizes the concept of social proof of impact, which refers to the demonstration of a person's effectiveness, success, or positive influence on the community or society. Social proof of impact is measured through evidence-based indicators, testimonials, or real-world examples but primarily using prediction as a signal.

Intended Impact:

Enhanced Decision-Making: By tracking actions and their outcomes, Irises help communities make better-informed decisions that align with their values and goals. This leads to more effective and impactful actions in pursuit of pro-social outcomes.

Promotion of Pro-Social Behavior: Irises learn and model pro-social behavior, encouraging individuals and communities to take actions that contribute to the well-being of the community as a whole.

Long-Term Impact: The project aims to have a lasting and positive impact on society by fostering a culture of evidence-based decision-making and pro-social behavior. Irises help communities consider the long-term consequences of their actions and make decisions that promote sustainability and resilience.

Empowerment of Communities: Irises empower communities to take collective action towards shared objectives, promoting inclusivity and collaboration. This empowerment leads to more effective problem-solving and the ability to address complex challenges.

Addressing Existential Threats: By facilitating collective decision-making and action-taking, the project has the potential to address existential threats and metacrisis challenges, such as multipolar traps and perverse incentives, that impact humanity as a whole.

Overall, the project aims to create a more harmonious, resilient, and equitable society by leveraging the power of Irises to foster collective learning, collaboration, and decision-making. By providing social proof of impact and promoting pro-social behavior, the project seeks to drive positive change and make a meaningful contribution to the well-being of communities and society at large.

Iris History

  • accepted into Metacrisis 1 year ago. 37 people contributed $3,720 to the project, and $4,999 of match funding was provided.

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