Iron Wallet

$2,635.08 crowdfunded from 2108 people

$3,284.05 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
Developing an Ethereum wallet aimed at enhancing developer experience with features like Anvil and Foundry integration, multiple wallets, address aliasing, fast mode, HTTP API, and a desktop-native interface.

Iron is an Ethereum wallet built with developer experience as its primary goal.

We’re building a wallet from the ground up, to rethink some core features, and to embed easy access to a set of powerful tools that can vastly improve the developer experience, both when writing smart contracts, and when building dApps to interact with those contracts.

The project wa first released in May 2023, but the current set of features already provides a powerful developer experience when compared to the existing tooling:

  • Anvil-aware: tracking restarts and reverts of local dev nodes, and resyncing the wallet state accordingly, and better nonce tracking;
  • Foundry-aware: indexes ABIs and artifacts found in the local file system, to provide a built-in etherscan-like interface to read/write to locally deployed smart contracts;
  • Support for multiple wallets. No more need for multiple browser profiles;
  • Address aliasing, to easily track known wallets & contracts;
  • Fast mode, for skippping confirmations when using a test wallet, thereby speeding up all manual testing workflows;
  • An HTTP API, to interact with the wallet in a headless way;
  • Quick keyboard-based navigation for actions such as account or network switching;
  • A desktop-native experience, no longer tied to a browser’s sandbox. Your wallet is now reachable by your entire system, and allows for an OS-native and less intrusive UX;

We build everything openly. All the issues, feature ideas, and ongoing work is publicly available on our Github repo. We also keep a dev blog with announcements for every release and technical deep dives into noteworthy features

Our goal for the upcoming months is to focus on two main fronts: key management, and data indexing. More concretely:

  • Support for GPG-backed keys. Relying on your system's GPG agent for security instead of the wallet itself
  • Ledger support (USB, and hopefully bluetooth as well)
  • Prototyping a custom transaction indexer with Reth + reth-indexer, so iron wallet users can benefit from faster sync times without a dependency on Alchemy

Iron Wallet History

  • accepted into Web3 Open Source Software 8 months ago. 2108 people contributed $2,635 to the project, and $3,284 of match funding was provided.

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