$245.78 crowdfunded from 217 people

$2,035.13 received from matching pools

average score over 2 application evaluations
Gamified NFT and mobile game rewarding environmental action through proof-of-deed mosaics, direct proceeds sharing, real-world action integration, and a regenerative finance ecosystem combating real-world polluters. is an gamified NFT project and soon too be mobile game. Both are designed to inspire people to get out and do any environmental action.
For the gamified NFT version we take the image proof of planet positive efforts and turn them into mosaic of good NFTs. The NFTs are built in multiple collections with 12 different levels. The levels are for the Jerri NFT game. Each level of the game has a different animal and a different number of deeds done needed to create it. Example: 100 images per NFT for the Hawkbill Sea turtles. 200 image proofs of planet positive actins for the next level up the Soala.

The doers of the actions will be rewarded with 40% of the proceeds from the sale of the NFTs their actions help create. This is a direct giveback model that is built into the smart contract.

The buyers of the NFT’s are the players. They are directly supporting the people on the ground doing the good! Be that planting a tree, taking public transit instead of car, or simply picking up litter. Every deed is important and we need to activate as many people as possible! The idea is that the more good you do the more good you want to do especially if you can get paid for it on top.

The players get bragging rights as they move up the levels of the game plus each level of the game and each collection within each level has a different IRL benefit attached.

We believe in direct giving and direct reward, both for the doers and for the players. It is a circular built ReFi centric model to activate as many people as we can to: Do something!

The Jerri's World mobile game is a top down world building game.

Overview Jerri’s World is a pre-apocalyptic mobile game set in 2024 that allows the generic lifeforms, Jerri’s, to battle the forces of the inhabitants of the Ivory Towers living in what the Jerri’s like to call their boardroom paradise.
Jerri’s must first choose to break free from the shackles of the Ivory Tower going into the wilds to build a community in order to take back the world and save it from the extractive polluting measures used by the Ivory Tower crowd.
Using the latest technology in combination with the knowledge of nature and natural systems new coordination and commerce arise. They are first ignored by the arrogant Ivory Tower groups until the Jerri community's growth starts to inspire more to break free. Now the battle starts in earnest. Jerri’s realize that there can be no peaceful existence between the two but they refuse to take up arms, instead relying on the power of reason and purpose to infiltrate and destroy the Ivory Tower’s.
Jerri’s protect themselves with better coordination avoiding confrontations and with defensive measures to ensure the safe places they create remain safe.
The power of the many on the side of regeneration take down tower after tower transforming a once doomed world into a paradise for all generic lifeforms. Goals Bring web2 into web3 seamlessly without making it the focus. Education about the many ways that regeneration and regenerative finance can tackle the current issues facing the world today. Polluted air, water, soil, lack of available energy sources that do not add to the problems Onboarding players into the refi ecosystem through the use of NFT assets that both earn staking rewards as well as being tradable to create an economy within the game and in the real world as ARB assets and tokens Using the game and AR NFT assets to promote real word actions and earn bounties that help further their in game goals and IRL impacts.
Generating enough money and social credit to take on in courts the biggest polluters on the planet. Specificationsin Mobile game platform
Arbitum NFT marketplace integration Custodial wallet and non-custodial wallet creation and integration with seemless Fiat currency conversion.

Milestones Real world uploaded actions with image proof earn more points towards assets but assets can be earned as well through purely in game actions.
Free “mint” tradable assets with cross chain and platform level 1-4 Levels 5-? Are purchasable after attainment of level 4 and earn-able same as before. Build non-custodial wallet per user. That can stake assets by putting into a locked chest.
Users can take control of their wallets upon request.
Portion of funds to class action suits to biggest polluters. On behalf of users that opt in of course.
Animal crossing. Individual marketplaces to integrate with broader maketplace

10k downloads 10k bounties collected.

Game Design Your main task is to build a self-sustaining colony in a wasteland by collecting trash, re- and upcycling waste, and destroying polluting artifacts of the Ivorys for resources. The basic core game is inspired by base-building and survival-crafting games. You control the top-down camera to explore the area and tap on interactive objects to break them, harvest them, collect them, or open contextual popups to perform more complex interactions like management tasks. In addition to in-game gameplay actions, the game also challenges you to perform real-world actions - ranging from cleanups to evidence collection and awareness campaigning - to collect additional rewards & resources for the game. Your colony represents your (non-custodial) wallet. Everything you build in your colony represents a staked NFT. Collecting, merging, and using the game resources influences the perceived value of these NFTs. Actively trading resources and minted game objects with other players drives the chain utilization.

Meta Game You are part of a Trybe, a cluster of players fighting the Ivorys by reclaiming wasteland territory from them and destroying their “value”-chains Every week, you select your affiliation to one Trybe, contributing your achievements in the game to defeat another Ivory Boss in exchange for more territory and valuable rewards each Ivory Boss stands for an actual real-world polluter and all your in-game staking efforts, gameplay achievements and real-world activities are driving progress to take real, tangible action against that polluter

Core Game Loop Explore your Island/Region Mine basic resources (dismantle old industry structures, break machinery, harvest plants for seeds, collect trash for recycling etc.) Build your colony with the collected resources Build crafting & re/upcycling stations to transmute resources Create & manage a sustainable powergrid Reclaim wasteland for organic farming and reforestation Clean & revitalize water & swamps Create better tools, improve your stations, re-claim more land

The more energy you produce and the “greener” your colony becomes, the more you contribute to defeating the Ivory Boss for your Trybe. Your contributions are ranked in different tiers within your Trybe. If you cross certain thresholds yourself or with your immediate Trybe-friends, you rank-up in a tier, becoming eligible for a bigger share of the prize & rewards pool that’s gained from defeating the Ivory Boss - but only if the whole Trybe defeats the Ivory Boss by the end of the week.

Real Action - Real Impact Once you are a member of a Trybe, you can get bonus resources for your game by performing real-world actions, e.g.: Collect photo-evidence of pollution attributable to the “big polluter” Ivory Boss of your Trybe Contribute to the Trybe wiki - a hub with resources & information to help the cause Generate awareness by multiplying messages and campaigns on social media Every time an Ivy Boss is defeated, parts of the generated staking income and transaction fees will be used to further the cause of going against the real big polluter - by: class-action lawsuits media campaigns sustainable, independent research funding Donations

Monetization Design The FIAT inflow is mainly coming from in-app purchases (IAP) converted to $ARB to buy cosmetic items or get access to improved tools and buildings, faster. Items above a certain rarity grade are minted on-chain as NFTs, and next to the regular resource used for building your colony you can use and trade a token as premium currency to exchange NFTs or speed up building and research projects for your colony. The players can actively stake in game assets (NFTs) and tokens in their colony to generate game-resources while we seamlessly do the same for them on chain for a fee of the staking rewards. This creates the core game loop and “deals damage” to the Ivory Boss. Items or resources you don’t need can be traded with other players via the marketplace and peer to peer trading. Some earned in-game assets may not provide the right bonuses for your Trybe, so trading with other players of other Trybes is encouraged. Exchange items to maximize your contribution to the weekly goal, and thus the global, real-world goals. An “item fusing” mechanic is used to combine lower-grade items into higher-grade items. This drains low value resources and items that are generated by players at inflationary scale, creating items with higher value over time that encourage trading. Ivy Boss challenges can be built in a way that requires players to “recycle” items at regular intervals, restoring balance over time to the economy and keeping the influx of FIAT into the game alive.

Community Building & EPIC GOAL You can share your Jerri colony with the rest of the playerbase to show off your creativity, but also your achievements in the game. Players are naturally curious to see the creations of the top-tier contributors to the Ivory Boss’ defeat. The Trybe’s wiki serves as a community hub to contribute and pull information from. It also serves as a constant reminder and progress tracker for the real-world impact and campaign progress towards the common Epic Goal of going after the big polluters. Every month, the most successful Trybes are featured and supported with an additional “campaign boost” fueled from the buy-in, staking and transaction rewards.

Location-based Impact You can use your Jerri Colony and geo-tag it to a real-world location. Other Jerris can boost your (and their) colony by being in the vicinity of this real location. This can be used for local communities to highlight their own efforts, e.g. in cleanup, reforestation, or demonstration projects. If enough Jerris lock their colony in a certain area, they can create their own Trybe and evoke an Ivory Boss that they are attacking together, effectively working towards a common goal in the game to get funding or awareness for their local community effort to fight against pollution. The local Jerri colonies can be visualized as AR overlays for your camera. You can take photos and geo-tag them for public sites, e.g. Google Maps, to draw attention to sites of pollution or positive attention to beneficial projects. Other Jerris can find your colony in the app and actually look at it live, both in AR and in the mobile app. History

  • accepted into Climate Round 1 year ago. 79 people contributed $110 to the project, and $767 of match funding was provided.
  • accepted into Climate Solutions Round 10 months ago. 138 people contributed $135 to the project, and $1,269 of match funding was provided.

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