$372.30 crowdfunded from 334 people
$468.87 received from matching pools
Karma GAP (Grantee Accountability Protocol) is an onchain protocol and application that can be used by communities to get visibility into projects they have funded and for grantees to share progress updates and build reputation. We are already working on ways to measure impact of the projects funded.
Grantees can easily create their project, grant they have received on our platform. They can create milestones and post updates to keep the donors and community updated on their progress.
All the data is stored onchain and we also have an SDK that can be used by developers to build other tools on top of the protocol. Data analysts can easily fetch data and do more indepth analysis.
Note: In this round, funds we raise will be used for two purposes:
Sponsor gas for grantees (all transactions are gasless in GAP)
Pay independent reviewers to review various projects that have received funding. If you would like any projects reviewed, please DM on twitter and let us know!
Karma GAP History
accepted into Web3 Open Source Software 1 year ago. 334 people contributed $372 to the project, and $469 of match funding was provided.