Keith Comito: Gitcoin Citizen - Building in Public and Bringing Gitcoin to the Masses!

$1,357.17 crowdfunded from 1247 people

$228.29 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
Involved since May 2021, engaged in Gitcoin as a cause round curator, leveraging expertise in grassroots movements and technology invention to grow the Gitcoin community, curate projects, and develop new funding models.

Since first joining the Gitcoin community as a cause round curator in May 2021 I've been able to leverage my expertise in leading grassroots movements (such as for longevity research with and VitaDAO) and skills as a high-impact technology inventor to bring in many new members into the Gitcoin ecosystem, foster the creation of large-scale PR intiatiatives to raise awareness, and work with Gitcoin leads to create new regeratative funding models for public goods.

Some examples of this ongoing work include:

  • Co-leading the inaugural Longevity Cause Round in GR12, together with Lifespan, VitaDAO, and Gitcoin team members, curating projects in the round, as well as submitting a few on behalf of Lifespan's projects.

  • Continuing to curate Longevity and DeSci cause rounds for GR13-GR15, and producing dozens of articles, tutorials, and announcements regarding Gitcoin on our news outlet, reaching several million people per year.

  • Discussing Gitcoin on CoinTelegraph, as part one of the most viewed articles on the platform in the categories of Medicine and Science: IMAGE ALT TEXT

  • Educating the teams of large influencers to foster the creation of content to raise awareness for Gitcoin, and explaining Gitcoin to adjacent communities - such as on the Enjin and Axie Infinity podcasts: Watch the video below IMAGE ALT TEXT

  • Hosting large interdisciplinary online and in-person events that feature Gitcoin leaders, such as Lifespan's annual conference in New York City: IMAGE ALT TEXT

  • Working with Gitcoin and other leaders in the ReFi community to lead the creation of new public goods funding models: for example - variations of quadradic funding suited to specific scenarios (such as Inverse Quadratic Funding, or IQF), Proof of Philanthropy NFTs, BioAvatar NFTs, and the forthcoming Ouroboros endowment mechanism - recently presented at Zuzalu. IMAGE ALT TEXT

  • Working on a decentralized intervention for Alzheimer's disease, which - while not directly Gitcoin related - will eventually help many Gitcoin community members if successful.

Thank you for letting me build in public!

I want to thank everyone for reading this, and for supporting me if you can. For the last few years I've been doing most of the above work with zero personal compensation, and was beginning to question how long I could keep it up. Knowing that retroactive funding models like this are arising to support people like me is more meaningful than I can express.

I appreciate you all so much, and I’m looking forward to working with you in the future

Thank You!

Keith Comito: Gitcoin Citizen - Building in Public and Bringing Gitcoin to the Masses! History

People donating to Keith Comito: Gitcoin Citizen - Building in Public and Bringing Gitcoin to the Masses!, also donated to

Volunteered as a Discord/Telegram moderator for Gitcoin, fighting POAP farmers, assisting the community, and proposed a grant review tool for Gitcoin's impact assessment.
Create an evolving NFT to reward and verify philanthropic actions, incentivize donations, and enhance transparency in charitable giving using blockchain technology.
Support a coordinator introducing groups to potential venues and local partners for a confederation of co-living/coworking pop-up cities in Chiang Mai, fostering a network advancing humanity through technology, health, and social innovation.
Exploring innovative funding methods for Gitcoin's matching pool and expanding Gitcoin's Grants Stack into new communities to support relevant projects.