$27.51 crowdfunded from 3 people
$8.31 received from matching pools
Hi, and thank you for this welcome initiative. Here's my proposal:
"KI-LIFE² - the Knowing Intelligence - Learning Interactively For Everybody and Enlivenment."
Proposal in one sentence:
Creation of a Learning Assistant Multi-Agent Framework using AI / ML / DS for enhancing personal and collective cognition toward future² “Knowing societies” and enlivening the planet.
Description of the project and what problem it is solving:
Our societies are presently facing a severe systemic metacrisis (climate change, energy peak, ecological and biological collapse, meaning crisis and attentional crash) jeopardizing the survival of all living beings on our planet, including ourselves (Schmachtenberger, Vervaeke).
The only way to move forward with enough speed and to exceed these perils is to mobilize the great power of cognitive technologies, like AI / ML / DS, to augment (Engelbart) and extend personal intelligence and collective insight. The aim being to help catalyzing an epistemic rational shift toward a more worthy and commons (Bauwens) future² for all livings, toward a new stage of our human civilization by enhancing our NGI (Natural General Intelligence).
You will find the following and more details of this proposal at the website page: https://scyber.notion.site/scyber/KI-LIFE-Project-Metacrisis-Grant-Proposal-c46cfbee137e46d29db8ba6dc846f700
Thanks for your attention² & WAGMI.
KI-LIFE² History
accepted into Metacrisis 1 year ago. 3 people contributed $28 to the project, and $8 of match funding was provided.