KoL Token
average score over 3 application evaluations
Tokenize social influence into revenue-generating assets, improve Ethereum economy through innovative financial mechanisms, and offer a digital identity and dual NFT rewards system.

KoL Token quantifies social influence into tokens, building a personal value network.

Opensea: https://opensea.io/collection/cnft-of-kol-token/


  • 💰Tokenization A completely transparent and fair token mechanism that turns KoL influence into sustainable revenue.


  • 📈 100x KT has refined the traditional Bonding Curve Token (BCT) model through its innovative financial mechanisms, managing to unlock a significant amount of ETH previously trapped in contracts. Unlike Friendtech and Bitclout, KT not only fully liberates all ETH but also boosts the leverage ratio, circumventing associated risks and time constraints. This is achieved by adhering to rigorous mathematical computations, enabling a 100-fold increase in capital efficiency.

  • 🌱 Sustainable Revenue KT platform charges a 1% tranding fees on each trade, serving as a continuous income source for KoL. Additionally, every early “Championer” of KT receives 5% of thetranding fees to foster community growth and participation.



  • 🌍 Enhancing the Ethereum Ecosystem Our financial innovations can transform the blockchain economy by improving capital efficiency. These mechanisms increase liquidity, reduce costs, and free up locked funds, accelerating blockchain's widespread adoption.


  1. 🔐 Digital Identity
  • Each Kol has a Bonding Curve Token (abbreviated as KT), uniquely identified by their Twitter account. The formula is as follows:
  • F1
  1. 🏆 Dual NFT Rewards
  • Each KT is complemented by two NFTs:
    • Owner NFT (oNFT)
    • Championer NFT (cNFT)
  1. 🚀 Mint to Activate
    • Anyone can mint a cNFT to activate that KoL's KT.
  2. 🛡️ Anti-Exploit Minting Fee:
  • F2
  1. 🐦 Twitter Verification
    • At any time, a KoL can authenticate via their Twitter account to claim their oNFT.
  2. 💧 Transaction Fees
    • KT comes with a trading fee of 1%.
  3. 💰 Revenue Distribution
    • 95% of trading fees go directly to oNFT holders, with the remaining 5% to cNFT holders.

Case Study

Tom, a devoted follower of Alice, recognized the significant impact of her educational content on social media. He decided to help Alice convert this influence into a digital asset—the @Alice Token.

  1. Quantifying Influence: Using the KoL Token platform, Tom helped Alice evaluate and quantify her social media presence, resulting in the creation of the @Alice Token, which mirrors her impact.
  2. Fan Investment and Engagement: Tom invested in the tokens himself and encouraged other fans to do the same, transforming fans from simple supporters to investors sharing in Alice's success.
  3. Technical Support and Profit Sharing: As Alice is not a blockchain expert, Tom assisted her in setting up and managing a digital wallet to safely receive and use @Alice Token. Alice earns 95% of transaction fees as ongoing income, while Tom, as the initiator, receives the remaining 5% in fees, acknowledging his promotional and managerial efforts.

Ultimately, Tom's initiative not only secured a steady income for Alice but also rewarded him for his contributions!

KoL Token History

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