Laboratory for the Exemplary DeSci practices
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Launching the Laboratory for Exemplary DeSci Practices for optimal decentralized scientific organization exploration, starting post-conference in Greece, 2024, with experimental DAOs and new digital standards development.

It's Time to DeScide! The Laboratory for Exemplary DeSci Practices is going to live.

I'm proud to introduce the Laboratory for Exemplary DeSci Practices, which will commence operations immediately following the opening conference "Language & Freedom"* in September 2024, Greece.

The conference is co-hosted by partners: Free University** and Jocelyn DAO*** on GOSH, along with the Science At Risk Emergency Office****.

The main objectives of the Laboratory are:

  • To establish artificial experimental DAOs with varied terms and conditions to explore optimal organizational structures for DeSci DAOs.

  • To develop a Hypothesis Sandbox for impartial decentralized experimental sample organization, facilitating flawless sociological, public health, and other community-based studies.

  • To establish new digital standards and guidelines based on the data collected from experiments.

Funds will be allocated towards public relations efforts and operational expenses for setting up experimental DAOs and attracting scientists to contribute their projects.

  • Conference "Language & Freedom" - apply here:

** Free University -

*** Jocelyn DAO -

**** Science At Risk Emergency Office -

Laboratory for the Exemplary DeSci practices History

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