$846.55 crowdfunded from 176 people
$1,998.75 received from matching pools
Collective accounts for web3 social. Starting with Lens Protocol, Lens Clubs aims to allow multiple people to own and manage a web3 social account (profileNFT). The primitive of a “social multi-sig” started with brands not being able to share access to their Lens Protocol account and expanded with the idea that DAOs and communities shouldn't only share financial capital, but also other forms of ownership, like social, cultural and intellectual capital.
Problem & opportunity
True ownership of social media accounts (through profileNFTs) has many benefits, like portability and direct monetisation options. However, it also comes with problems like having to either share private keys or transfer the profileNFT in order to have multiple people using that account at the same time. This problem is especially salient for marketing teams or agencies who want to post from their brand’s account. However, this also brings another not-so-obvious problem to the table: the fact that DAO and community external communication is not truly decentralised. Furthermore, the primitive of web3 social unlocks a new form of collective curation and co-creation, as well as truly decentralised collaboration.
We’ve developed a multi-sig wallet specifically tailored for Lens Protocol. Not only you can add multiple collaborators to the account, but also set thresholds for approvals before an action (e.g. post, mirror, etc…) is executed. A key feature is the possibility to give very granular permissions to different members/collaborators.
Lens Clubs: the social multi-sig History
accepted into Web3 Social 1 year ago. 176 people contributed $847 to the project, and $1,999 of match funding was provided.